Sunday, September 30, 2012



             We have heard that sitting in front of the computer for hours hurts our eyes.
But what do we do? Here are some answers.
TIRED: Refresh the eye with exercises.
  These not only help strengthen your eye muscles but also ensure visual comfort.
         This is a simple way to keep the eyes fresh and able to focus longer. Blink every 3-4 seconds for two minutes. Then try not to blink for 30 seconds at a time for two minutes. Every time one blinks, the tear gland secretes fresh tears to refresh the eyes. Also, the brief period of darkness helps reduce eye strain.
         This relieves stress around the eyes. Lean forward on a desk. Close your eyes. Place both hands over the eyes with the cup of the palm covering the eyes. The fingers should be on the forehead and the heel of the hand on the cheekbone. Ensure you can blink freely and that you are not putting pressure on the eyes. Stay that way for few minutes. It may not seem like much but can make a big difference if done regularly.
       This will strengthen eye muscles over time and improve overall vision. Sit in a comfortable position. Put your thumb about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it. Now focus on something else about 10-20 feet in front of you. On each deep breath, switch between focusing on your thumb and the other object.
       This will strengthen focusing skills and eye muscles. Sit in a comfortable position. Stretch out your arm with the thumb in the hitchhike position. Focus on the thumb when the arm is outstretched. Now bring the thumb close to the face, focusing all the time until the thumb is about three inches in front of the face. Then move the thumb away until the arm is fully outstretched. Do this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I'm Daddy's Girl:


1.               A rolling stone gathers no moss.
2.               Don’t rob peter to make Paul.
3.               Too many cooks spoil the broth.
4.               As is the king so are the subjects.
5.               Every ass loves his bray.
6.               No use to cry over spilt milk.
7.               Penny wise and pound foolish.
8.               Don’t caste pearls before swine.
9.               The blind cannot lead the blind.
10.        Familiarity breeds contempt.

Friday, September 28, 2012



1.               A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
2.               Travel broadens the mind.
3.               It’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
4.               Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
5.               He that travels far knows much.
6.               A stitch in time saves nine.
7.               Delay of justice is injustice.
8.               The mills of God grind slow, but sure.
9.               It takes two to make a quarrel.
10.        To err is human to forgive, divine.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


1.               Infants – Below 3 years
2.               Child – Below 14 years
3.               Adolescent – 15 years old
4.               Youth – 15-39 years of age
5.               Quadragenarian – 40-49 years of age
6.               Quinquagenarian – 50-59 years of age
7.               Sexagenarian – 60-69 years of age
8.               Septuagenarian – 70-79 years of age
9.               Octogenarian – 80-89 years of age
10.        Nonagenarian – 90-99 years of age
11.        Centenarian – 100 years and above

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



1.               Ethnography – Scientific description of individual culture
2.               Topography – Special description of a part or region
3.               Biography – Written account of a person’s life
4.               Calligraphy – Art of handwriting
5.               Demography – Study of population
6.               Iconography – Teaching  with aids
7.               Photography – Art of taking photos.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Ø Study of environment – Ecology – Ecologist
Ø Study of rocks – Geology – Geologist
Ø Study of coins – Numismatics – Numismatist
Ø Study of plants – Botany - Botanist
Ø Study of Handwriting – Graphology – Graphologist
Ø Study of earthquakes – Seismology – Seismologist
Ø Study of Speech sounds – Phonology – Phonetician
Ø Study of Universe – Cosmology – Cosmologist
Ø Study of Educational system – Pedagogy – Educationist

Monday, September 24, 2012





Ø   Science of animals – Zoology – Zoologist
Ø   Science of birds – Ornithology – Ornithologist
Ø   Science of language – Philology – Philologist
Ø   Science of human beings – Physiology – Physiologist
Ø   Science of heavenly bodies – Astronomy – Astronomer
Ø   Science of human mind – Psychology – Psychiatrist
Ø   Study of faces and skulls – Phrenology – Phrenologist
Ø   Study of God and religion – Theology – Theologian
Ø   Study of population – Demography – Demographer
Ø   Study of the skin – Dermatology - Dermatologist

Sunday, September 23, 2012





Today let us know about, “MANIAS” and “ART OF KILLING”
1.   Suicide – Killing of ONESELF
2.   Patricide – Killing of one’s FATHER
3.   Matricide – Killing of one’s MOTHER
4.   Filicide – Killing of one’s CHILDREN
5.   Fratricide – Killing of one’s BROTHER
6.   Uxoricide – Killing of one’s WIFE
7.   Homicide – Killing of HUMAN BEINGS
8.   Infanticide – Killing of INFANTS

      1.  Kleptomania – a morbid compulsive feeling to steal
     2.  Logo mania – an obsession to talk always.
    3.  Bibliomania – a mania for books
   4.  Scribblomania – an urge to making various markings on paper
  5.  Dromomania – a mania for travel 

Saturday, September 22, 2012



    Today we are going to know about “PHOBIAS – FEAR”
  1.   Hydrophobia – Fear of WATER
  2.   Agoraphobia – Fear of being in PUBLIC PLACES
  3.   Monophobia – Fear of being ALONE
  4.  Pyrophobia – Fear of FIRE
  5.   Bibliophobia – Fear of BOOKS
  6.   Acrophobia – Fear of HEIGHTS
  7.   Hematophobia – Fear of BLOOD
  8.   Nyctophobia – Fear of DARKNESS
  9.   Astraphobia – Fear of LIGHTENING and THUNDER

Friday, September 21, 2012


Hi friends,
                From today let us learn something new daily.
Now we are going to learn about “NOTED PERSONALITIES” in “ONE WORD SUBSTITUTES”.
1.           Omniscient  – One who knows EVERYTHING
2.          Optimist    –  One who has POSITIVE approach
3.           Pessimist   – One who always thinks NEGATIVELY
4.          Imposter  – One who ASSUMES FALSE  character
5.          Infallible  – One who cannot ERR
6.          Invincible  – One who cannot be DEFEATED
7.          Architect  – One who designs buildings
8.          Cannibal  – One who eats HUMAN FLESH
9.          Linguist – One who knows many LANGUAGES
10.      Bibliophile – One who loves BOOKS
11.     Fish monger  – One who SELLS FISH
12.     Grocer – One who sells HOUSEHOLD items.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today I woken at 8.00 a.m. and watched TV and was driving scooty. I like driving scootyJ. Then done Sudoku and wrote SWOT analysis because tomorrow soft skill class is there, evening only I got remembered. Today I watched a Korean serial “BOYS OVER FLOWERS” it was really awesome 1 episode for 1 hour. I have 4 episodes in my laptop but only 1 I saw rest episodes I will see later in Saturday night or Sunday I will see that. If you people can means must watch that, then you will become fanatic for “Boys over Flowers “serial.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Tomorrow is holiday, because of BandhJ. Today I wiped my home for vinayagar chathurthi and prayed then ate. Done all college works without rest and at 9.30 only I got information as holiday, somehow finished all works tomorrow can sleep nicely. I like sleeping JFrom 4th September No time for playing, hearing songs etcL That much works from college, very bad. okay good night. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hi, today it was good. My FOC faculty gave us another question paper and said those who are dare can write my questions and those who are scared can write previous day questions. I started writing previous day questions. After finishing three 2 mark questions only I got his questions. It was actually very easy so I wrote answers for those questions. Yesterday I learnt only the questions what they gave. If I learnt fully means I will be writing more good. He took me to principal and proudly said she is the one who Darley answered my questions. I felt very happy. Then I use to take tuition in my home from 6.00- 8.00p.m. I will spend that time happily like I’m going back to my school life. What was my weakness in my school days, I use to make those as a strength for those children who coming to tuitions. And I even use to explain my positive strength's to them.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today there was no time for me ,still I have more works to be finished. Inbetween I talked with my best friend (school friend) about college, faculties etc. She is studying in AMS college. Even she have lots of work so we planned to talk on wednesday (holiday for vinayagar chadhurthi).

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Today I saw "Mirchi music award" in Vijay tv which is one of my favourite channel. It was nice. Actually Divya Dharshini(DD) is a tactical speaker. I like her so much.Then i watched CID in zee tv it was also good. Then prepared for physics test and prepared for paper presentation. I'm eagerly waiting for that day. Now I'm going to watch "Ungalil yar adutha Prabhudeva" , dance show. I like dancing and singing too.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Alas! 33 feared killed in Uttarakhand flash floods. Every day I will get THE HINDU newspaper only to do su-do-ku and the Hindu cross word. Today I learnt I got the above news, regretting news. For me daily test going to be held from tomorrow 8.00-8.40a.m.Every 1st period is test. It’s actually good thing but they are giving the questions before. Before my SSLC examination in 10th std. daily test will be held by saying the portions alone not by saying the questions. I followed that daily test and I got school first. Also the same thing happened on 12th examination but by giving the questions before and we didn’t get those questions in our public examination and so I got very low marks. I asked the senior students, why they have to keep a test like this by giving the questions? They said by giving the questions itself some people are getting fail in daily test so they are giving the questions before. My FOC faculty said those who need questions can say me I will give you and those who don’t want the questions say me I won’t give you the questions. Actually he said as I thought. So Monday I will say him I don’t want the questions. Then today’s program is watching Another Cinderella Story movie and Twilight a fictional movie.


Today complete rest because tomorrow is “HOLIDAY”. Today before last period i.e. in soft skill period everyone was very sleepy, next period was English when he entered the class everyone laid in desk. Then he came and made us energetic by a game. Everyone should say an adjective with their name, both should start in same letter for example I’m Dynamic Durga. The next person should say she is dynamic durga I’m aspirant Archana. Like this every one should say the last person should say everybody’s name and then his name with adjective. It was really good we enjoyed as well as we learnt 32 adjectives. It was nice. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I was having lots of works today. Almost I completed only FOC is balance. Every day I will do that subject work first but today for a change I finished all other works and have to finish it. And should prepare for exhibition it is going to be conduct on 22nd September. Day after tomorrow Saturday,” HOLIDAY”….!!! Ok I will catch you tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Wish U a very happy anniversary amma and  appa. 

I enjoyed my technical English class very much. I reached my home at 4.30 p.m. Power cut from 5.00-6.00 p.m in my area. I had done my writing works that time. And I‘ve to prepare few things in, Fundamentals of computing and programming subject. Because in all over Anna university college we are 1st to conduct exhibition in 1st year especially within a week my department (EEE) got this very precious opportunity because of FOC faculty. We’ve to thank him a lot for giving us an opportunity. Surely I will make use of this chance and I will make him proud. I’m eagerly waiting for this Saturday and Sunday to watch Another Cinderella movie. Already once I saw. Even though I’m waiting to see the film again. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today the day was not so good. Because only 3 girls in my class. So, in lab we must do experiments with boys. Actually I never talked too much with boys. From my 8th std. only 1 friend I have in boy. Before that not even 1 person was my friend in boys. From my college days started 1 fellow use to tease me and call me but actually because of fear I will be like not hearing his voice. Today he is my batch in laboratory. He asked me notes for completing his observation. So I said here after you should not tease me talk in a friendly way if ok means I will give my note. He didn’t response me. Then I too just left it. And today I played a game with my sister. That game will improve our creative skills. For example some should start their “EXPEDITION” like I started “It was 6p.m when I entered into the silent filled forest. I started to move into the forest with great anxiety. Suddenly I heard a shriek noise and also a pot falling on my head”. Then the other person should continue the story. This will be entertaining as well as improve our creativeness. Ok now it’s time to do my college works. Bye

Monday, September 10, 2012


Today the classes went off good. But I don’t feel comfortable with bus. Because  they  are  asking  me  to  come  far  from  my  bus  stop. I complained to my college admission officer. He respected my speech and said I will inform to transport manager. But bus driver said to the transport manager something else … I don’t know. Driver took me to the transport manager at 3.15p.m and the transport manager hearing only driver’s speech. He is not bothering about student’s talk. This thing made me upset in the evening. I’m thinking to adjust this thing for a year if they continued more I’m going to change my college in second year. But I will miss good faculties. But it’s ok. My character is openminded, optimistic. So I will complain the principle if he took action in the honest way I will continue here or else I’m going to change my college.

Sunday, September 09, 2012


Today sunday i got up at 8 'o clock I 've been putting maths ,so now i'm going to have a rest. Then i will play chess and then sleeping...!! Have a nice weekend

Saturday, September 08, 2012


Saturday  also college.......! Rainy day sleepy climate.. But should woke up and get ready for college. Got up at 5 'o clock got the bus at 6:50 a.m. Today technical english class was very nice... Good night Honey dreams.

Friday, September 07, 2012


THOUGHT THAT MOTIVATES ME: "IF I CANT WHO CAN , IF I CAN WHO CANT". This is the thought which making me always to be "OPTIMISTIC"
           Today i have got good comments for Fundamentals of computing programmes assignment and i just reviewed my books today. Good night. Have a nice sleep.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Today was not so good as well as not bad... It just went off. Lot and lots of work. Should finish 12 experiments within today.. I almost finished...!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2012


The day before yesterday 3rd september 2012 i'm entering to the next stage of my life with lot and lots of NERVOUS about my college days and future too. Every one spoke very proudly about the college, P.B.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Sriperambadur. The inaugural was over now i've to go to my class i've to meet new faces and i 've to face everything boldly eventhough if i 've fear or nervousness.Ofcourse then they issued books and the faculties were friendly. The day in college came to an end at 1p.m. We had the lunch and we came back to home.
    Then yesterday i woked at 4 a.m and i'm getting ready eagerly to learn new good things from MY college from 6.30a.m i waited for my college bus and i got bus at 7.15 and reached the college at nearly 8 a.m. Only 18 students belongs to my department EEE... It may be even good for studies.  Faculties can teach more good for low strength. I took that thing in a POSITIVE approach. Then the classes ended well  yesterday.
     Today i went at 7 to bus stop to get bus. Because seniors said yesterday this is timing for our route , bus no:18. But unfortunately i missed the bus. Then i went in bus no:24. Today classes ended well especially my computer lab period. I learnt that i shoud be more and more active in all the lab section especially computer lab.My class incharge, is a maths faculty one of my most favourite subject. But he didnt start the class today so i'm going to start doing my 1st chapter rite now. Bye

Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...