Monday, March 17, 2014

Facts !!

Hearing your name being called, When no one has actually called your name, Is a likely sign of a healthy mind.

Movie theatres make more money on the food and drinks sold, rather than the actual ticket.

Completely avoiding unnecessary arguments adds at least 10 to 20 years to your life expectancy, reducing stress by 96%.

"Dysania" = The state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

The left side of the human face appears better looking than the right. The left side of your face is considered "the good side."

70% of people believe in karma. This is the belief that how you treat others comes back to you. [ I do too ! :) ]

When night time thoughts are keeping you awake, write them all down. This clears your head and makes it easier to sleep.

The Song “Happy Birthday to You” is Copyrighted and Brings in About $2,000,000 Per Year to the Copyright Holders.

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