Wednesday, August 27, 2014


“Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who Loves you enough to help you unpack.”

When you get so down you will cry out to someone, which is what we should have done long long ago instead of bearing up under sorrow in the heart alone!! And when you do tell someone–your Spirit will rally your light will begin to shine again, cry out, and realize the person there cares about you!! And God cares and sent them!! Then pass it on, that’s how it works. ~ Sue Frawley.
You draw into your life those things which you need in order to grow. If you are still drawing something into your life that you don’t like, it is not wrong for you. Just try to find out why because only through awareness can you make change happen. ~ Donnette Selix.
Stay away from other baggage carriers who love to adds on so as to weigh you down….. those are the people who hate to see you from being successful and happy. ~ Jem Bu.
You are a special and unique person. Release any negative or fearful self-images. Forgive yourself, knowing that you did the best you knew how at the time. Release all self-pity and blame. Notice when you have negative thoughts about yourself and replace them with positive ones. Let them flow out of your body and be replaced with the love that’s within you. ~ Creig Crippen.

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