Saturday, August 02, 2014

Facts Of Life..!!

“In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never know when you may not have that chance again.”

“Sometimes people run away to be alone, but sometimes they run away to see if you care enough to follow them.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 

“When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything.”

A Wise Physician said, “The best medicine for Humans is LOVE.” Someone asked, “If it doesn’t work?” He smiled and answered, “ Increase the dose.”

When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. And it always seems like you’re the one who gets hurt the most.

“To dream by night is to escape your life. To dream by day is to make it happen.”

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” 

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