Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nice Words..!!

“You will begin to heal when you let go of past hurts, Forgive those who have wronged you and learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.”

It’s really complex to live quality life holding pain and hurts gifted by past experiences. In fact past hurt and pain has no physical reality except your own deep rooted illusionary belief which can be healed slowly and gradually by yourself through positive self affirmations, forgiving yourself as well as to people and increasing your conscious level of awareness. So live your life with miracle creating attitudes like giving, forgiving, loving and grateful attitude so that you can heal your past hurts, pains and unexpected knocks bombarded by life and people. As valid truth says, “Giving, forgiving and loving attitude can make you like sparkling rainbow which has ability to pierce the darkest cloud to show its presence.” 

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