Friday, November 28, 2014

Interesting Facts !!!

“Canada” is an Indian word meaning “Big Village”.

People who prefer spicy foods tend to be risk-takers.

Mahatma Gandhi was able to survive 21 days with no food, and just sips of water.

Bill Gates told his university professors that he’d be a millionaire by the age of 30 - He became a billionaire by the age of 31.

Many psychologists link selfies to narcissism, mental illness and addiction.

Humor is associated with intelligence and honesty - This is why women tend to be more attracted to men with a sense of humor.

There is actually a specific area of the brain known as the bilateral vomitation center. It notes when our tummy is upset and makes the final decision whether to barf or not to barf.

Birds cock their heads at the ground not to listen for prey
(such as insects or worms) but to better see them.

Chad and Barbie Soper of Rockford, Michigan, have three kids. They were born on 08/08/08, 09/09/09, and 10/10/10.

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