Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Interesting Facts..!!

Green tea is proven to fight acne, build up your immune system, & even be able to fight cancer.!

Only 8% of the world's currency actually exists as physical cash, the rest is electronic.

The kind of person who feels the need to constantly brag about their intelligence and constantly talk about it, isn't actually intelligent.

When two people talk about their dislike toward another person, it brings them closer together.

Hypnic jerk is the falling sensation that suddenly wakes you up, and is experienced by 80% of the human population.

Hugh Jackman has founded a charity coffee company called Laughing Man that donates 100% of it's profits to education.

Emotional pain lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, anything longer is actually self inflicted by over thinking, making things worse.

People who regularly help others tend to be significantly happier and are less likely to become depressed as they get older.

Over 90% of people torture themselves with depressing music when they're already in a bad mood.

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