Saturday, March 22, 2014

Great Attitude..!!

Photo: 10 Simple Proven Habits to Make You Happier

1. Giving: do things for others 
2. Relating: connect with people
3. Exercising: take care of your body 
4. Appreciating: notice the world around 
5. Trying out: keep learning new things 
6. Direction: have goals to look forward to 
7. Resilience: find ways to bounce back 
8. Emotion: take a positive approach 
9. Acceptance: be comfortable with who you are 
10. Meaning: be part of something bigger

1. Giving: do things for others. 

2. Relating: connect with people.

3. Exercising: take care of your body.

4. Appreciating: notice the world around.
5. Trying out: keep learning new things.

6. Direction: have goals to look forward to.

7. Resilience: find ways to bounce back.

8. Emotion: take a positive approach.

9. Acceptance: be comfortable with who you are.

10. Meaning: be part of something bigger.

If you noticed that the first words of the first five lines spells G R E A T and the first five words of last five lines spells D R E A M.

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