Friday, October 18, 2013

Facts To know :

1) A mosquito will become restless and start flying around if there is an increase of carbon dioxide in the surrounding air.

2) A leech is a worm that feeds on blood. It will pierce its victim's skin, fill itself with three to four times its own body weight in blood, and will not feed again for months. Leeches were once used by doctors to drain "bad blood" from sick patients.

3) A McDonald's straw will hold 7.7 ml, or just over one-and-a-half teaspoons of whatever you are drinking.

4) A person who is lost in the woods and starving can obtain nourishment by chewing on his shoes. Leather has enough nutritional value to sustain life for a short time.

5) A quarter of raw potato placed in each shoe at night will keep the leather soft and the shoes smelling fresh and clean.

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