Thursday, May 04, 2017

Goodbye Gun Emoji, Hello Water Pistol..!!

Water Pistol Emoji Replaces Gun
With the latest release of iOS 10, many of us are all excited about the newest features, including deleting default apps we never use! It’s about time Apple – I don’t want your iBooks… or your News.
It also brings wonderful features such as changing the intensity of your flash light, finding where you parked your car, and some type of futuristic photo searcher; you can literally search for what’s in the photo – crazy!
But with all these new features in iOS 10, there’s really only one question on everyone’s mind… what happened to the gun emoji? Well, I’m sorry to say this but, it’s gone, gone forever!
So what will replace the empty space where the pistol once lived? Well, we can tell you it’s a fluorescent green water pistol. But why did they change this?
Well it all started with a bug report from 20th June 2016, where Neven Mrgan reported a bug that stated:
“The current “pistol” emoji is a realistically rendered lethal weapon. As the spec doesn’t require it to be this way, Apple would be doing a service to society by changing this image to a plastic toy gun, such as a bright pink or green water squirter.”
“Emoji should not be a reminder of the weapon causing tens of thousands of deaths in the US every year.”

Because of this bug report, the gun emoji has now been replaced by a water pistol.

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