Monday, February 29, 2016

Read It..!!

Everyone says that loves hurts, but that’s not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Everyone confuse these things with love but reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes us feel wonderful again.

I don't care about losing people who don't want to be in my life anymore. I have already lost people who meant the world to me and I am still doing just fine.

I'm at the Stage When Some one Says, " I'm leaving " doesn't effects me anymore.. But When Someone Says, " I'll Be always There For you " , It Literally Makes Me Laugh..!!

The day YOUR loved one stop expecting from you is the day you have lost YOUR name in there HEART.....!!

Praise a person as much as we like..But limit our words while criticizing, Because.., Criticism is one loan that everyone is dying to return with huge interest. Be wise to use words.

Studies have proven that praise rather than criticism is the best way to help employees improve.

It is legal to film a police office performing duties in public, and they are not allowed to see the footage without a warrant.

70% of women say smartphones are interfering with their romantic relationships.

The "Gangnam Style" video has surpassed 2 billion views on Youtube and is the first Youtube video in history to do so.

Sunday, February 28, 2016


After saffron, vanilla is the most expensive spice in the world.

The Walt Disney World is actually larger than 17 countries.

The longest word in English is the chemical name for the protein titin. It is 189819 characters long.

White Chocolate isn't actually chocolate, as it is not made with any cocoa beans. It is actually made of cocoa butter, the fat from cocoa beans.

The planet with the most moons in our galaxy is Jupiter, with 63.

The first sport ever played on the Moon was golf.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Do Not Blame Others...!!

Anything in excess is bad.. Be it love..anger...possession... Or your cell phone...Don't blame the invention... Take the responsibility of your falltongue emoticon.... Be real..,Be matured...,Be funny..and Have fun in your life..


Monday, February 22, 2016


I have had this heart attack a min. of 10 times and you know I enjoy them...just like the same way you enjoy that moment when your car climbs down steeply on a highway ..the same feel..!!


When I search for my talents, my brain is like: "error :404: not found!"

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Be Yourself..!!

Life's too short to be wasted. 
It passes just once, so make the most out of it. 
Live it the way you want it to be. 
Live life to the fullest, feel free!

Live as the sun shines in the sky. 
Live as high as the birds can fly. 
Live as the colors of a rainbow. 
Live as far as the clouds can go. 

Never waste it with worthless doubts and fears, 
With insecurities and useless tears. 
Remember that what couldn't tear you makes you strong. 
Put away frustrations, sing your own song ! 
Believe in what you can do. 
The world is round; it's all up to you. 
Think fast, act now! 
Time is gold; it couldn't be renewed. 

Value experiences, learn from mistakes. 
Improve for the better, live for others. 
Do what is right and what is best. 
Always be yourself, unique from the rest. 

Laugh as if there's no tomorrow. 
Dance as though you'll never get through. 
Love with all your heart and soul. 
Sing like you're on the top of the world. 

Forget the money, the root of all evil. 
Treasure your loved ones; you're lucky they're still there. 
Strengthen your faith, live with God. 
The best things in life are for free, so why not?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Concrete production actually makes up 5-10% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.

About 400 million years ago, before trees were common, the Earth was covered with giant mushrooms.

A second is called a second because it is the second division of the hour by 60, the first being a minute.

When you flush an open toilet, it can spray tiny particles up to 6 feet.

Your lips are pink colored because the skin covering it is so thin, making the blood in capillaries underneath visible.

In the last 60 seconds, we traveled 8202 miles (13,200 km) through space.

Scientists have discovered a way to make biodegradable plastic from plants by using genetic engineering.

Scientists have discovered a way to make biodegradable plastic from plants by using genetic engineering.

Monday, February 15, 2016


First Personal Computer..!!

Release date January 19, 1983

This was a very early 'mass introduction' to a system that had a graphical user interface, icons, pull down menus, and a rodential input device called 'a mouse.' 

The first consumer computer with a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) display, a GUI (Graphical User Interface), and a mouse, its $10,000 price tag made it anything but successful. Only 11,000 original Lisas were sold.

Lisa had a whopping 1 MB of RAM, an unprecedented amount in an age when PCs could use at most 640 KB. That’s also more RAM than any Mac would have until the Mac Plus arrived in January 1986 – three years later.


Sunday, February 14, 2016


You can’t judge a book by its cover. A person who is physically beautiful may be vain, selfish, egotistical, and generally ugly in character. The true measure of a woman (or man) is her character. In the end, people who are kind, loving, and thoughtful will be more loved and more fulfilled in life than those who are physically beautiful but spiritually repellent..

Stay With Blessings..!!

It's never about the amount of's about how much ur soul is satisfied......often rich people suffer from more depression and anxiety....and u can find poor happy even driving a cycle.....!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Interesting Facts..!!

Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph , while coughs clock in at about 60 mph.

97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water.

We blink our eyes once every six second i.e. in the course of a life time we blink about 250 million times.

The visible universe (planets, stars, galaxies) makes up less than 5% of the mass of the universe.

There is a cruise ship named 'The World'. Residents live on the ship permanently and it travels the world.

There are no muscles in human fingers – All movement is controlled by muscles in the forearm and palm.

If you shuffled a deck of cards each second from the start of the universe until now, you still wouldn't compile every arrangement possible.

There actually exists a Pizza Hut perfume that smells like a box of fresh Pizza Hut pizza being opened.

The known universe contains approximately one septillion stars. That's one followed by twenty-four zeros.

Google Driver-less Car has only encountered two accidents. The first it was rear ended at a stop sign, and the second was when a human was behind the wheel.

It requires seven to eight trees to provide enough oxygen for just one person per year.

Seventy percent of the dust in your home consists of shed human skin.

Monday, February 08, 2016


Interesting lines on notice board By-

Traffic Dept:
"Donate blood, But not on Roads...!!"

Forest Dept:
"Shoot the bird with camera not with Gun..!!"

Petrol Pump:
"No smoking." "Your life may be worthless but our petrol is Costly."

Hospital Board:
"If you still want to continue looking @ girls, even after your Death DONATE YOUR EYES..!!"

Just for Fun..!!

Q: What do you call two fat people having a chat?
A: A heavy discussion.

Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
A: It saw the salad dressing!

Q: Did you hear about the painter who was hospitalized?
A: Reports say it was due to too many strokes.

Q: What did the triangle say to the circle?
A: You’re pointless!

Q: What's easy to get into but hard to get out of?
A: Trouble.

Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter?
A: I better not tell you, it might spread.

Q: Why was the math book sad?
A: Because it had too many problems.

Q: Why can't a leopard hide?
A: Because he's always spotted!

Q: Why did the barber win the race?
A: Because he took a short cut. 

Q: Can February March?
A: No. But April May.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Thought of the Day..!!

Every phase of our life is bound to teach us something valuable; But it depends on whether we analyse the lessons or just turn the pages.

Seven Wonders of Life..!!

1. Mother - The first person to welcome you in this world.

2. Father - The first person to go through all the hardships just to see you smile.

3. Sibling - The first person to teach you the art of 'sharing and caring'.

4.Friend - The first person to teach you how to respect people with different opinions and viewpoints.

5. Life partner - The first person to make you realize the value of sacrifice and compromise.

6. Your Children - The first little person to teach you how to be selfless and think about others before yourself.

7. Your Grandchildren - The only persons who make you want to live the life, all over again.

True Fact....!!!

Friday, February 05, 2016

Don't Do This..!!

All of the abbreviation used in today's conversations... It's a bad habit, it ruins the English grammar and spelling..
 unsure emoticon

Thursday, February 04, 2016


Beautiful heart.......think what your mind say.....and do what your heart say......!! If your heart is beautiful you can see good in bad can see beauty in ugly things too.....!!

Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...