Saturday, July 04, 2015

Interesting Information's :

Google owns a secret lab called "Google X" where they are working on a space elevator.

If Bill Gates was a country he would be the #63 richest on earth.

A supermarket chain in Netherlands has a policy that if all queues have 4 people in them and not all checkout lanes are open yet, then you get your groceries for free.

Michigan State University professor has created a transparent solar panel that can be used in building to potentially power the entire building.

Google has photographed more than 5 million miles of road for its Street View maps.

Searching for “google in 1998″ gives you a retro version of Google.

You could cover the world 1.4 times with the amount of Nutella produced in one year.

Satnam Singh makes history by becoming the first Indian to make it to the NBA league.

Nikola Tesla predicted the smartphone technology in 1909.

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