Monday, December 10, 2012


Transmission of Homoeopathic Drug Energy from a distance - through Hair 

 Dr Heinemann had introduced 3 modes of Drug administration of Homoeopathic medicine 

i) Medicine can be given orally.
 ii) By touch. 
iii) By olfaction. 

A 4th way of Drug administration i e Transmission of Homoeo Drug Energy from a distance through the Native Hair of a Person - introduced by Late Dr. B. Sahni of Patna.This method is wholly based on the Principle Similia Simibus curentur of the Father of Homoeopathy . Dr.S. Hahnemann. It is never a deviation it differs only in method of application of Drug to the Patient Transmission may be called as Indirect method as there is no visual connection between the organ & the drug . It is just like Radiobroadcast system or wireless. 

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