Sunday, April 01, 2018

Inspiring Words by Someone:

Anyone can be disappointed;
But to see failure, and not be affected by it, is special.

Anyone can flash money, possessions, and title;
But to possess everything, and yet not feel entitled to it, is special.

Anyone can handle praise;
But to handle criticism with equilibrium is special.

Anyone can blow their own trumpet;
But to be able, knowledgeable, and experienced, and yet remain humble, is special.

Anyone can raise their voice;
But to feel frustration, anger, agony, righteousness, pain, and betrayal, and yet be unchanged by it, is special.

Anyone can take the easier path;
But to take the right path irrespective of its appeal is special.

One is not special for what one has, what one says, or what one is;
One is made special by what one does.

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