Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dog's Intelligence and Emotion:

We feed them, we let them sleep in our beds, we play with them, we even talk to them. And of course, we love them. Any dog owner will tell you that their pet has a remarkable capacity to understand the world around them. And they’re right. Scientists have figured out great ways to find out exactly what human’s best friend is capable of.

The Science of Animal Cognition

Over the past several years, one of the biggest advances in our human understanding of doggie cognition has been the use of MRI machines to scan dog brains.
MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, the process of taking an ongoing picture of what parts of the brain are lighting up through what external stimuli.
Dogs, as any doggie parent knows, are highly trainable. This trainable nature makes dogs great candidates for MRI machines, unlike non-domesticated wild animals like birds or bears.
Ragen McGowan, a scientist at Nestlé Purina specializing in dog cognition, takes full advantage of a certain type of MRI machine, the fMRI (which stands for functional MRI), to study these animals. These machines detect changes in blood flow and use that to measure brain activity.
Through ongoing research, McGowan has found out a lot about animal cognition and feelings. In a study done in 2015, McGowan found that a human’s presence leads to increased blood flow to a dog’s eyes, ears and paws, which means the dog is excited.
McGowan also studied what happens to dogs when they are being petted.
We’ve known for some time that for humans, petting a beloved animal can lead to lower rates of stress and anxiety. Well, it turns out the same is true for dogs. When humans pet shelter dogs for 15 minutes or more, the dog’s heart rate decreases and it becomes less anxious overall.
Another recent study on dog cognition found that our beloved companion animals can tell the difference in our emotional expressions.
In another study done with the fMRI machine, scientists found that not only can dogs tell the difference between happy and sad human faces, they also respond differently to them.

As Smart as Children

Animal psychologists have clocked dog intelligence at right around that of a two to a two-and-a-half-year-old human child. The 2009 study which examined this found that dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures. Even more surprising, the same study found that dogs can actually count low numbers (up to five) and even do simple math.
And have you ever experienced the emotions of your dog while you’re petting another animal or paying attention to something else? Do you imagine they feel something like human jealousy? Well, there’s science to back this up, too. Studies have found that dogs do, in fact, experience jealousy. Not only that, but dogs do their best to figure out how to “handle” the thing that’s taking their parent’s attention — and if they have to force the attention back on them, they will.
Dogs have been studied for their empathy, as well. A 2012 study examined dogs’ behavior towards distressed humans that weren’t their owners. While the study concluded that dogs display an empathy-like behavior, the scientists writing the report decided that it may be better explained as “emotional contagion” and a history of being rewarded for this type of emotional alertness.
Is it empathy? Well, it sure seems like it.
Numerous other studies on dog behavior, emotion, and intelligence have found that dogs “eavesdrop” on human interactions to assess who is mean to their owner and who isn’t and that dogs follow their human’s gaze.
These studies may just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our learning about dogs. And as for doggie parents? Well, they may know a lot more than the rest of us, just by observing their best canine companions every day.
The studies done on dog cognition all illuminate one thing: that humans may know much less about dog brains than we previously thought. As time goes on, more and more scientists are becoming interested in animal research, and with each new study done, we find out more about how our beloved pets think.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Daniel Kish is a totally blind man who has transformed the world’s perception of his “disability” into a superpower. His story is truly amazing! Without sight, he uses sound to “see” his environment just like a bat does using sonar.

He can do extraordinary things that blind people can’t and people with eyes take for granted. He mountain bikes and camps out alone for weeks while navigating through trails, cross rivers and avoiding trees!
Born with an aggressive form of cancer called retinoblastoma, which attacks the retinas, Daniel Kish has been blind since both of his eyes were removed when he was 13 months old. Now 44, his adaptation to a world of darkness has been so remarkable that some don’t believe that he is blind.
He has given his own name to his technique, which he refers to as “Flash Sonar”, but it is a phenomenon with a scientific name known as echolocation. By clicking his tongue, he creates sound waves, which travel at a speed of more than 1,000 feet per second. These waves of sound bounce off every object around him and return to his ears in the form of slight echoes. Kish has trained himself to hear these echoes and to interpret their meaning.
These readings allow Daniel to decipher information that on the surface would appear impossible for a blind person. He can be incredibly precise about the distance between two trees on a lawn and how far away from a curb a car might be parked. In addition to bats, Beluga whales and dolphins interpret sound in the same fashion.
His mantra is complete and unfettered independence and his mission is to change the way the world views blind people, and the way blind people view the world. He runs a non-profit organization called World Access for the Blind, which is headquartered in his home. There he offers access training on how to utilize echolocation to interpret the environment, and so far, more than 500 students have benefited from his teachings.
Dan may not be the first blind person to use this technique, but he is the first to document it, break it down into all of its parts and to develop a method for teaching it to others.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Home Remedies for Treating Hair Loss & Baldness:

1. Regular application of castor oil combats hair fall and baldness. It is a very good home remedy to treat baldness/hair loss naturally.

2. Apply a fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram; it is an effective home remedy for curing hair loss baldness naturally at home.

3. Massaging the scalp with aloe vera gel or coconut oil prevents hair loss and helps in growth of new hair naturally.Try this home remedy to treat baldness/hair loss at home.

4. Seeds of lime and black pepper ground to fine paste when applied on a daily basis on the scalp helps in curing baldness/ hair loss naturally at home. 

5. Take fenugreek; grind it to make a fine paste, and apply it to the bald patches, and let the hair absorb the paste of fenugreek for one hour.This baldness/hair fall treatment helps in treating hair fall/baldness.

6. Home remedy of beetroot leaves, when mixed with henna, can do wonder in curing baldness/ hair loss naturally at home.

7. Make a hair pack at home mixing hot olive oil, honey, and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and apply it on the scalp before bath for 15 minutes. It is a very effective home remedy for treating hair loss and baldness at home.

8. Coconut oil mixed with lime juice is effective in curing hair loss/baldness.

9. Application of coconut milk is a very helpful home remedy for treating baldness/ hair loss at home.

10. Take 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds to rub on your bald patches to treat baldness and hair fall. Try this home remedy.

11. Juice of alfalfa with spinach or coriander is taken orally promotes hair growth and treats baldness naturally. You must try this home remedy for beautiful hair.

12.Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea to cure baldness and hair fall naturally at home.

13. You can drink the mixture of banana, honey, yogurt, skimmed milk to take as a home remedy to fight hair fall and baldness naturally at home.

14. Arnica oil is very helpful for combating hair fall.Arnica oil is extracted from the dried arnica leaves and has full of anti-inflammatory properties.This treatment is very helpful in curing premature graying of hair also.

15.Coconut oil in which a mango has been preserved for one year treats baldness/hair loss. This home remedy stimulates hair follicles to regrow hair.

Remember, all these aforementioned home remedies are helpful in treating baldness/hair loss, but all must be followed on a regular basis, and it needs patience. Because baldness cannot be cured in one day or month; it takes time for arresting hair fall and the growth of new hair.
Apart from using these home remedies, remember, a nutritious diet plays an important role in restoring the healthy hair, so take a healthy diet which has plentiful of iron, calcium, protein, vitamins. Do not forget to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily to combat hair loss and have shiny hair.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The History of the Violin:

Whether it was inspired by the Byzantine lyra (similar to a lyre), the bowed string instrument the medieval rebec, or the lira de braccio, a bowed string instrument of the Renaissance period, the earliest version of a violin emerged in Italy in the early 1500s. Andrea Amati gets the credit as the first known creator of the violin.
The viol, which came before the violin, is also closely related. It is larger than a violin, and played upright, much like a cello.
Other stringed instruments predating the violin include the Arabian rabab, which led to the medieval European rebec.

Violin Makers

Amati lived in Cremona, Italy. He first apprenticed as a lute maker. In 1525, he became a master instrument maker. Amati had been commissioned by the prominent Medici family to make an instrument that was like a lute, but easier to play. He standardized the basic form, shape, size, materials, and method of construction of the violin. His designs gave the modern violin family its look today but had vast differences. The early violins had a shorter, thicker, and less angled neck. The fingerboard was shorter, the bridge was flatter, and the strings were made of gut.
About 14 of the earliest Amati violins commissioned by Catherine de Medici, regent queen of France, are still in existence. Other noted early violin makers are Gasparo da Salò and Giovanni Maggini, both from Brescia, Italy.
During the 17th and early 18th centuries, the art of violin making reaches its peak. The Italians Antonio Stradivari and Giuseppe Guarneri, as well as the Austrian Jacob Stainer, are most noted during this period. Stradivari was an apprentice to Nicolo Amati, Andrea Amati's grandson.
Stradivarius and Guarneri violins are the most valuable violins in existence.
A Stradivarius sold at an auction for $15.9 million in 2011 and a Guarneri sold for $16 million in 2012.

Rise in Popularity

At first, the violin was not popular, in fact, it was considered a musical instrument of low status. But by the 1600s, well-known composers like Claudio Monteverdi used the violin in his operas, and the violins' status grew. The violins' prestige continued to rise during the Baroque period once major composers began dedicating time writing for the violin.
By the mid-18th century, the violin enjoyed a vital place in instrumental music ensembles. In the 19th century, the violins' rise to fame continued in the hands of virtuoso violinists such as Nicolo Paganini and Pablo de Sarasate. In the 20th century, the violin reached new heights both in technical and artistic aspects. Isaac Stern, Fritz Kreisler, and Itzhak Perlman are some of the well-known icons.

Well-Known Composers for the Violin

The Baroque and classical period composers who incorporated violins in their music included Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven.  Antonio Vivaldi is best-known for his series of violin concertos known as the "Four Seasons."
The romantic period featured violin sonatas and concertos by Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Brahms' Violin Sonata No. 3 is considered one of the best violin pieces ever created.
The early 20th century featured masterful works composed by Claude Debussy, Arnold Schoenberg, Bela Bartok, and Igor Stravinsky for the violin. Bartok's Violin Concerto No. 2 is rich, vibrant, technically mind-warping, and another of the world's best examples of music for the violin. 

Relation of Violin to Fiddle

The violin is sometimes called a fiddle, most used when talking in relation to folk music or American country western music, as an informal nickname for the instrument. The word "fiddle" means a "stringed musical instrument, violin." The word "fiddle" was first used in English in the late 14th century. The English word is believed to have derived from Old High German word fidula, which may be derived from the medieval Latina word vitula.
Vitula means "stringed instrument" and is the name of the Roman goddess of the same name personifying victory and joy.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

Weight Loss Technique:

Millions of people are having problems with their weight due to the increasingly sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Excess body fat isn’t just an aesthetical problem – it can significantly affect your self-esteem and make you feel uncomfortable. There are many diets and treatments that supposedly work, but let’s be honest – most of them are dangerous and they don’t work for everyone. So, is there a solution? Luckily, there is! We’re going to show you how to prepare a simple natural mixture that will help you melt up to 4 kg. in just 4 days!

Besides being an aesthetical problem, excess weight can also cause numerous health problems. This is why it’s important to keep your weight in check, and you can do that with the remedy we have for you today. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 8 glasses of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber
  • 12 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mint
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger


The preparation is simple – just put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. Pour it into a glass bottle afterward and keep it in the fridge. You should drink 4-5 glasses of the beverage a day – start in the morning right before breakfast, and you should lose some weight after only a couple of hours!
Pairing this incredible drink with regular physical exercise has helped many people achieve incredible results. The process should be followed for 4 days – if you still need to lose weight, take a week break and repeat the treatment again. However, the drink won’t work completely on its own. In order to lose weight and burn the excess fat on your body, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Stick to this schedule and we promise that you’ll be amazed by the results soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Never Wear Flip Flops:

Summer is officially in full swing and now that the weather is all hot and humid people everywhere are taking it easy and going into vacation mode. For most of us that means kicking off our shoes and going barefoot, but when we do have to go somewhere we usually just stick our feet in a pair of sandals or flip-flops.

Who doesn’t own at least one pair of flip-flops? Not only are they the most convenient and classic summer footwear option, they also help to keep feet cool and comfortable. However, that’s about all that they’re good for! Flip-flops are actually terrible for our feet and the rest of our bodily health and wellness. Once you read on about why this is so, and just how bad they truly are, you’ll definitely think twice before you spend hours on end in your flippies this summer.

Here’s why podiatrists and doctors agree that the rubber-soled footwear should only be worn poolside, at the beach, or in gym showers:
1) Injuries- Every year flip-flops are responsible for countless foot injuries that range from minor to severe because they offer the feet practically zero support. A lack of arch and heel support, combined with the fact that they make us walk awkwardly, to begin with, are what leads to pain and strain on our feet. The most common injuries that people seek treatment for are things like tendinitis, stress fractures, and heel, arch, or muscle pains. Other problems you can expect to experience from wearing them include cuts and scrapes, jammed toes, rolled ankles, infections, sunburn, bunions, blisters, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, hammertoe, pinched nerves, and the list goes on.
2) They Trip You Up- Flip-flops are definitely not the most graceful things to walk around in. They actually cause us to walk really clumsily and it’s super easy to get tripped up by the shoes. Whether someone steps on the back of them while you’re walking or you manage to catch up the front end, they can throw you off balance in a second. Another hazard they present is slipperiness, it’s easy for feet to slide around in them, especially when they get wet or sweaty.
3) Toxic Materials- Those five dollar flip-flops you see being sold at stores are priced so low for a reason; they’re cheaply made! Many of the plastics and materials that go into making them are low quality and can be poisonous or toxic to human health. Many feature plastics that contain BPA which has been linked to cancer and other serious risks. Latex is also widely used, which many people are allergic to, and so it’s best to forgo the cheap plastic versions. Instead, look for ones made of leather, suede, cork, fabrics, and other natural types of materials that don’t pose such a serious threat to your health.
4) Gross Infections- The open, airy style may allow feet to ‘breathe’ but that comes at a price. Flip-flops expose your feet and toes to all sorts of germs, dirt, bacteria, fungus, and other nasty things that can lead to an infection. A number of studies have found that flip-flops pick up and hold a heck of a lot more bacteria than ordinary shoes. This was found to be especially true when people wore them anywhere in public, like at the gym or in restrooms where gross things thrive. Dangerous pathogens such as Staphylococcus and E. coli can easily find their way into an open sore, wound, or cut and wreak havoc on your health. While most people experience mild infections like Athlete’s foot, some have had to have their toes or feet amputated because they picked up a particularly dangerous strain of something.
5) Blisters- Albeit a minor problem in light of the other more serious flip-flop issues, blisters are painful to deal with nonetheless and can lead to further complications. Flip-flops are all but held on to the foot by those two measly little straps that cross over the top of it. This design means that when you walk the straps inevitably rub against your skin. Sometimes this leads to chaffing, irritation, and blisters form which, if and when they pop open, you’re exposed to more bacteria and possible infection.
6) They Slow You Down- The loose fitting shoes change your gait and in effect, they slow people down. Findings from an Auburn University study showed that those who wear flip-flops often take smaller sized steps than their sneaker wearing counterparts. Anyone who has ever worn them knows this already because it’s virtually impossible to run for more than ten feet in the darn things!

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Fascinating History of Barbecue:

Because humankind has no doubt been cooking meat since the discovery of fire, it's impossible to point to any one person or culture that "invented" the barbecue method of cooking. Neither do we know when, exactly, it was invented. We can look to several countries and cultures, however, from which barbecue likely gets its roots, like the 19th-century United States or the Caribbean.

Cowboy Cookin'
The trail hands slogging their way across the American West in endless cattle drives were allotted less than perfect cuts of meat as part of their daily rations.
But these cowboys were nothing if not industrious, and they soon discovered these cuts, like the stringy brisket, could be much improved with five to seven hours of slow cooking to tenderize. Soon they became adept at other meats and cuts, like pork butt, pork ribs, beef ribs, venison, and goat.
Funny, how this invention of necessity would eventually become a mania in some parts of the U.S., but just try to debate the merits of Kansas City over Texas over Low Country styles of barbecue. You'll quickly see how passionate and obstinate their adherents can be.

Island Meats and French Treats

Although there is hardly a country in the world whose people don't in some way partake in the outdoor grilling of some kind, say the word barbecue to most people and they think America. But that doesn't mean it was invented here, cowboys or no cowboys. For instance, the Arawakan Indians of the West Indian island of Hispaniola have for over 300 years cooked and dried meat over an apparatus they call a "barbacoa"—which is just a short linguistic hop to "barbecue."
And no discussion of culinary history would be complete without the French stepping in to assert their hegemony. Many assert the origin of the word goes back to Medieval France, stemming from an Old Anglo-Norman word, "barbeque," a contraction of the old-french expression "Barbe-Ă -queue," or, "from the beard to the tail," referring to how a whole animal was speared before being cooked, spit-style, over a fire.

Charcoal Instead of Wood

For centuries, the fuel of choice for cooking has been wood, and it is still preferred among barbecue aficionados, including those who compete in the thousands of contests that crop up in the U.S. each year. In America, in fact, smoking meats with woods like mesquite, apple, cherry, and hickory, thereby adding extra dimensions of flavor, has become a culinary art form. 
But modern-day backyard barbecuers have Ellsworth B. A. Zwoyer of Pennsylvania to thank for making their lives much easier. In 1897, Zwoyer patented a design for charcoal briquettes and even built several plants after World War I to produce these compacted squares of wood pulp. However, his story is overshadowed by that of Henry Ford's, who in the early 1920s was looking for a way to reuse wood scraps and sawdust from his Model T assembly lines. He snagged the technology to start a briquette-manufacturing company, which was run by his buddy Edward G. Kingsford. The rest is history.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Common Things Women Get Turned Off By:

You never know you may be doing some seemingly innocent things that are damaging your chances of attracting the girls that you like. Perhaps you are doing some things that are turning them off without you knowing it.

If you find yourself guilty of committing some of the items that are listed on here, then you need to make the necessary adjustments. You don’t have to change your personality per se, you just have to make sure that you avoid doing any of the things that turn these women off the most. Here are the most common things that women get turned off by:


Nobody likes to be with a man who has bad manners. Men should always be acting gentlemanly and respectfully towards the women that they are with. If you have poor etiquette, then you would be hard-pressed to find a woman who would like you.


Constant nagging is a sign of passive-aggressiveness and no one ever likes being around that kind of behavior. It shows that you are constantly irritated by things, but you aren’t aggressive enough to do anything about it except complain.


It can’t always be about you. in a relationship, it’s always a give and take kind of situation and you need to be thinking about your partner as well.


Clingy behavior isn’t cute. You get to a certain point in your adult life wherein independence and self-reliance become very attractive attributes. When you act a little too needy, then you can’t expect any woman to be able to count on you.


It’s okay to play a few video games to let off a little steam. It’s a recreational activity that appeals to a huge demographic and she understands that. But when you start getting obsessed with your gaming to the point where she has to compete for your time, then that’s a problem.


A mature and stable relationship always requires a certain level of depth. If you are a little immature and dense in your thinking, then she isn’t going to want anything to do with you.


Bad breath. Bad body odor. Dirty teeth. What’s to like?


The world doesn’t revolve around you and you aren’t entitled to everything that you want in life. You have to understand that you aren’t the center of the universe and that you can’t always be the one who hogs the spotlight.


Get off your bum and do something with your life. How could you ever expect a girl to fall in love with you if you don’t even have the drive and motivation to pursue her? You need to be able to work hard for all the things that you want in life.


It’s commendable for someone to be financially responsible. It’s part of being mature. You need to be able to manage your finances well for the sake of your future. But that doesn’t mean that you have to be a thrifty cheapskate all the time.


There are few things in life that are more irritating than an arrogant person who doesn’t know his place in the world. Stay humble. Humility is never unattractive.


Be tolerant of opposing worldviews. Be accepting of the perspectives of others. Not everyone is going to think like you and you’re going to have to learn how to interact with people who aren’t like you.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Get Rid of Pores:

Pores are small openings in the skin which allow it to breathe. They are almost impossible to be seen with the naked eye but may grow in size as we get older. Enlarged pores look really unpleasant and can ruin your appearance, which is why everyone wants to resolve the problem as soon as they can. Instead of using commercial products and treatments, try using these natural remedies against enlarged pores:


Apply some fresh Aloe vera gel on your face and leave it to work overnight, then rinse your face with lukewarm water in the morning. This will keep your skin hydrated and also close the pores while removing excess oil and dirt from the skin a well.


Mix a tablespoon of ACV with 5 tablespoons of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it as a natural toner. Just spray it on your face and leave it to dry, then apply your favorite moisturizer in the end. This will reduce the enlarged pores and regulate your skin’s pH level while fighting infections at the same time.


Here’s a nice egg white mask that will tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of the enlarged pores:
- 1 egg white
- 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
Mix the ingredients well until you get a homogenous mixture, then apply it on your face and leave it to work for half an hour. Rinse with cold water in the end and repeat the process daily for best results.


Prepare a paste of equal amounts of baking soda and water and apply it on your face, then massage it in for a minute before rinsing with water. Repeat the process every 3-4 days – using it every day can have negative consequences as the baking soda might dry out your skin. The same method works great against acne as well.


Honey is great for skin because of its antibacterial, medicinal and healing properties. It is rich in potassium that kills the bacteria responsible for clogging the pores.
- Make a combo of honey and yogurt and apply it on your pores.
- After a few minutes, rinse it off.


As the ice is cool, it helps the skin to stay cool and minimize the pores. It also prevents the skin from other environmental effects. You may rub an ice cube daily before sleeping.


Oatmeal is great for removing excess oil and dead skin cells and exfoliating the skin. It also soothes the skin and can also be used by people with sensitive skin.
- Mix 2 tbsp of milk powder, 5 tbsp of honey and 2 tbsp of oatmeal.
- Slather the mixture on your face and massage your face in circular motions.
- Leave it for 15 till it dries completely.
- Repeat twice a week.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

History of Karaoke:

For those looking for a good time, karaoke is right up there with other popular pastimes such as bowling, billiards, and dancing. Yet it was only as recently as around the turn of the century that the concept started to catch on in the U.S.
It was a somewhat similar situation in Japan, where the very first karaoke machine was introduced exactly 45 years ago. While the Japanese have customarily enjoyed entertaining dinner guests by singing songs, the notion of using a jukebox that simply played back background recordings, rather than a live band, seemed a bit odd.
Not to mention that choosing a song was equivalent to the price of two meals, a tad pricey for most.

The Invention of Karaoke

Even the idea itself was born out of unusual circumstances. Japanese inventor Daisuke Inoue was working at coffeehouses as a backup musician when a client requested that he accompany him on a visit to see some business colleagues. “Daisuke, your keyboard playing is the only music that I can sing too! You know how my voice is and what it needs to sound good,” the client told him.
Unfortunately, Daisuke couldn’t make the trip, so he did the next best thing and supplied the client with a custom recording of his performances to sing along to. It obviously worked out because when client returned he asked for more cassettes. That’s when inspiration struck. He decided soon after to build a machine with a microphone, speaker, and amplifier that played music people can sing along to.

The Karaoke Machine is Produced

Inoue, along with his technologically savvy friends, initially assembled eleven 8 Juke machines, as they were originally called, and started renting them out to small drinking establishments in nearby Kobe to see if people would take to them. As I mentioned earlier, the systems were seen mostly as a novel alternative to live bands and appealed mainly to wealthy, affluent businessmen.
That all changed after two club owners from the area bought the machines for venues that were opening locally. Demand shot up as word quickly spread, with orders coming all the way from Tokyo. Some businesses were even setting aside entire spaces so that customers can rent out private singing booths. Referred to as karaoke boxes, these establishments typically offered multiple rooms as well as the main karaoke bar.

The Craze Spreads Through Asia

By the 90’s, karaoke, which in Japanese means "empty orchestra," would grow into a full-blown craze that was sweeping across Asia. During this time, there were several innovations such as improved sound technology and laser disc video players that allowed users to enrich the experience with visuals and lyrics that were displayed on the screen -- all in the comfort of their own homes.
As for Inoue, he didn’t make off as handsomely as many would have expected due to having committed the cardinal sin of not making the effort to patent his invention. Obviously, this opened him up to rivals who would copy his idea, which cut into the company’s potential profits. Consequently, by the time laser disc players debuted, production of the 8 Juke was halted altogether.
This despite having manufactured as many as 25,000 machines.
But if you’re assuming he feels any remorse over the decision you’d be gravely mistaken. In an interview published in Topic Magazine and re-published online at The Appendix, an online “journal of experimental and narrative history, Inoue reasoned that patent protection would have likely hindered the evolution of the technology.
Here's the excerpt:
“When I made the first Juke 8s, a brother-in-law suggested I take out a patent. But at the time, I didn’t think anything would come of it. I was just hoping the drinking places in the Kobe area would use my machine, so I could live a comfortable life and still have something to do with music. Most people don’t believe me when I say this, but I don’t think karaoke would have grown like it did if there had been a patent on the first machine. Besides, I didn’t build the thing from scratch.”
At the very least, though, Inoue has begun receiving recognition rightfully as the father of the karaoke machine, after his story was reported by Singaporean TV. And in 1999, the Asian edition of Time Magazine published a profile naming him as among "The Most Influential Asians of the Century."
He also went on to invent the cockroach-killing machine. He currently lives on a mountain in Kobe, Japan, with his wife, daughter, three grandchildren and eight dogs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Suggestions For Breakfast:

Experts always claim that the breakfast is the most important daily meal, as it provides the needed nutrients for the following day.
Yet, you should always choose the proper ingredients carefully, in order to give you the right kick off the day. The following list reveals 15 foods which should or shouldn’t be consumed on an empty stomach:
DO – Eggs
Eggs are an excellent choice for a breakfast as they are high in protein and nutrients which boost metabolism and provide high energy levels. Eggs also cut the daily intake of calories.

DO – Watermelon
Watermelons are full of water and lycopene which supports heart and eye health.

DO – Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a great beginning of the day, it prevents damage or irritations of the stomach due to hydrofluoric acid, and is rich in soluble fiber which reduces cholesterol levels and boosts metabolism.

DO – Blueberries
Blueberries are rich in nutrients and regulate blood pressure, boost metabolism, and improve memory, concentration, and focus.

DO – Cornmeal Porridge
Cornmeal porridge is another perfect choice for starting the day. It will detox the system, eliminate heavy metals and toxins from the body, and enhance the intestinal microflora. It also provides numerous nutrients and boosts the energy levels.

DO – Honey
If you start the day with honey, you will boost your energy, shake the organism, and improve mood, as it supports the production of serotonin. It also makes you more focused and productive during the day.

DO – Buckwheat
Buckwheat is high in minerals and vitamins, especially iron, and it boosts metabolism. It is also rich in protein so it effectively boosts your energy levels.

DO – Nuts
The consumption of nuts for breakfast regulates the pH levels in the stomach and helps digestion.

DON’T – Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are high in vitamin C, but they are not the best choice for breakfast as their acidity might lead to heartburn and raise the risk of gastric ulcers and gastritis.

DON’T – Spicy Food
Generally, spicy foods are beneficial for health, but if consumed in the morning, they can irritate the whole digestive system and lead to heartburn and damage to the gastric mucosa.

DON’T – Banana
If you eat bananas on a completely empty stomach for breakfast, you will boost the magnesium levels in your blood, and thus lead to heart issues. So bananas aren’t the best standalone breakfast choice and we recommend you to take it along with nuts, blueberries, or honey.

DON’T – Sodas and Carbonated Beverages
Sodas and carbonated drinks are one of the worst choices you can make in the morning as they are high in sugar and will slow down the metabolism and lead to bloating.

DON’T – Green Veggies
Green vegetables are not the best choice for breakfast as well, as they are abundant in amino acids which cause heartburn and flatulence. Moreover, they can also irritate the stomach and lead to abdominal pain.

DON’T – Tomatoes
Tomatoes have tannic acid which irritates the stomach and may lead to gastric ulcers and heartburn, so make sure you postpone their consumption until lunch.

DON’T – Pear
Pears are high in crude fiber which might lead to stomachache and damage of the mucous membrane.

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