Saturday, March 24, 2018


No matter how aware people are of the harmful ingredients in cigarettes and how they are the number 1 cause of lung cancer, they still can’t quit smoking. Well if you recognize yourself in the sentence above, the least you can do is clean your lungs of nicotine and tar build up and decrease your risk of infections.

The same goes for “non-smokers” who have given up cigarettes recently. Smokers who are looking for a way to eliminate these compounds from their lungs fill find this article very helpful. First and foremost, if you are currently a smoker, give it up as soon as possible. This is really important because nicotine and tobacco affect your lungs and you are about to suffer irreparable damage to your health. 

While there is no magic formula that will clean the respiratory system of nicotine, tar and other harmful ingredients of cigarettes, certain foods can help to clear the lungs.
The following remedy is extremely effective and all-natural way to cleanse your lungs. The best part about it is that it consists of only three simple ingredients.


  • 1-liter water
  • 400 grams onion
  • 400 grams honey
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • Ginger root ( an inch)


  • Boil the water sugar. If you have chosen honey, make sure you add it at the end.
  • Chop your onions and grate the ginger root. Add both of them to the mixture.
  • Once the mixture boils again, add turmeric powder and reduce the heat to low.
  • Simmer the mixture until it reduces by half. Then remove the pot from the heat, strain the liquid and transfer the content into a jar.
  • Let the mixture cool off completely.
  • Store the jar in the fridge.


Take this remedy twice a day – in the morning, on an empty stomach, and after your late-night snack or dinner.Take 2 tablespoons each time.


Onion, similar to garlic, is a good lung cleaner. Onions can be of great help to prevent many diseases, including lung infections. In the case of people who already have cancer, it prevents the growth of new cells.
Ginger as a natural medicine and food helps to defend against malignant diseases. This is another strong tool to relieve you from the toxins in your lungs. You can consume ginger root tea because it facilitates breathing. Also, you can eat a piece of ginger with a meal.
Turmeric is known for its antiseptic, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Moreover, it prevents inflammation and it cleanses the blood.

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