Thursday, November 30, 2017

Facts About Space:

Photon Sphere

The Photon Sphere is a spherical region of space where gravity is strong enough that photons are forced to travel in orbits. If you were to stand in this region and look straight ahead you would see the back of your head. 

In 1993 there was a proposal to build a giant advertising billboard in outer space that would appear roughly the same size and brightness as the moon. The project didn’t meet funding and inspired a bill to ban all advertisement in outer space.

In 2007 China tested a missile and shot down one of their own satellites, accidentally creating 2,087 pieces of space debris on crazy orbits, all of which are now required to be tracked to avoid space collisions.

The first nuclear missile test in space was “starfish prime”, which knocked out several allied satellites and disabled communications in Hawaii.

There are 5 so-called “Lagrangian Points” wherein the gravitational effects from the Sun and Earth balance out. These points could act as a solar parking space for objects within their limits. 

Amazing Facts About Amazon Rain-forest:

Amazon Rainforests houses some of the most exotic species of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else in the world. It is one of the largest tropical rainforests.

In 2011, a fungus, Pestalotiopsis microspora, found in the Amazonian Forest can survive on a diet solely consisting of polyurethane (plastic). It can also do so in a non-aerobic environment. 

According to a theory, a large part of the Amazon rainforest may be a ‘giant orchard’, the legacy of people who flourished here between 450BC and 950AD. 

A 17-year-old woman, Juliane Koepcke, fell 3 km into the Amazon rainforest when her plane crashed. She survived & walked 10 days before being rescued. All 91 of her other co-passengers died.

The full moon causes a tidal wave to roll up the Amazon river once a day and once a night for a period of only three weeks once a year, resulting in a continuous 4-meter high wave that can be surfed for up to 13km.

An oil pipeline in Ecuador, South America has spilled more oil into the Amazon river than the Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska.

Of the top 8 largest rivers by the volume of water discharge, the Amazon River is bigger than all the others combined.

The Amazon River pours so much water into the Atlantic that fresh water can be found so far offshore where there isn’t any land in sight.

There is a 350 member tribe in the Amazon whose language appears to be very profoundly unique.

New ant species discovered in the Amazon likely represents the oldest living lineage of ants in the world.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Facts About Global Warming:

Due to global warming, brown recluse spiders may invade our relatively safe northern states. 

The Golden toad was the first animal to go extinct due to global warming in 1989.

The Earths orbital shape around the sun fluctuates by about 5% every 100,000 years. This is part of the reason we experience cyclical global warming and cooling.

The Koch brothers funded a scientist who was one of the most prominent global warming skeptics, but after two years of research, he came to the conclusion that scientists were right about climate change.

The Percentage of Americans believing that global warming is caused by humans has actually gone down over the past decade.

Scientists want to introduce global warming on Mars to make life habitable for colonization. 

The founder of the Weather Channel said that global warming is a “scam”.

There was a plan on July 20th, 2006 for everybody on earth to jump at the same time in an attempt to knock the earth out of its orbit and stop global warming.

Global Dimming accounts for a 4% reduction in the sunlight that reaches us in the last three decades and offsets Global Warming with a cooling effect.

Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius was the first to claim that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming, in 1896.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Weird Signs That You Are Way Smarter Than Average:

It must have happened to you countless times to question your intelligence. Psychologists say that there are certain signs which can point that you are much more intelligent than you think. Do you enjoy music? Are you fit? Maybe you are the oldest child in the family? Maybe you have a hard time sleeping at night or you have a messy handwriting? You must find yourself in at least two of those signs!

You Are The Oldest Child in The Family

One very interesting research showed that oldest kids in the family have a moderate, however significantly higher IQ when compared to their youngest brothers and sisters. That is why they are often more successful than their younger brothers and sisters.

You Liked Reading Even When You Were Kids

Do you remember reading when you were a kid? If it seems to you that you have loved reading since you were a kid, chances are that you are a highly intelligent person. In one science experiment, researchers followed the development of 2,000 pairs of twins. The results showed that those who started reading earlier, later in life had better test results. Authors of that study believe that reading at the early age improves verbal and nonverbal abilities of a person.

You Are Left Handed

There is some data that shows that there is a big number of criminals that are left-handed. On the other hand, the latest researches show that left handed people are mostly divergent – that is a sort of a creative thinking which is used for problem-solving. Left-handed people are often more inventive and it is easier for them to find the way out of difficult situations. Isn’t that a sign of a strong mind?

You Are Often Worried

Studies show that people who are often worried about things are more intelligent than the people who don’t. That is quite possibly the consequence of a fact that they are always thinking about all the possible repercussions of their actions, and therefore they are always trying to do their best.

You Are Tall

The research made on the Princeton University showed that tall children learn better than the rest of the children of their age. Those children also make more money as adults. That’s why you should straighten up your backs and walk tall. You have everything to be proud of.

You are Amusing!

High IQ and the sense of humor are interconnected. In one research, over 400 participants did the IQ test and had to think of amusing titles for cartoon’s scenes. Can you guess whose titles were the most amusing?

You Are Curious?

One professor of business psychology at London University came to a conclusion that curiosity is a very important trait of intelligent people. Curious people have that “purified” way of thinking and a long-term interest in discovering new things and personal development.

You Do Everything To Perfection

Intelligent people are usually perfectionists. They are never fully satisfied. If they are into sports, they will spend more time training so they could be the best player in their team. If they are not satisfied with how they look, they will change the style of their clothing or their makeup. Their life is always “Under Construction”.

You Are an Night Owl

It sounds strange, but it looks like the people who can’t sleep during the night are more intelligent than people who are “early risers”. The ability to work and be creative during the night, as we all know, is not a natural gift. That is why scientists concluded that intelligent people go later to bed because they want to broaden up the limits of their abilities. If only we could survive without sleep.

You Are Fit

There was an interesting research in 2006. According to it, the bigger the waist is, the lower cognitive abilities are. Other studies showed that 11-year-old children who have bad results on their tests will be prone to obesity all the way to their adulthood. Other children who are more intelligent will have better education and will take better care of their health.

You Play Some Music Instrument

A number of studies showed that playing some instrument helps the development of a child. A month of music lessons can improve test results for children from 4 to 6 years-old and it helps them to learn. Did you play the violin as a child? Maybe that is why you are a good thinker now?

You Have a Bad Handwriting

A creative mess is an established concept and there is a research that claims that creative individuals use that concept as a fuel. That bad handwriting is also a sign of extremely creative individuals.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Love In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac:

Love is the essential part of anyone’s life. If it’s not, well – it should be. That person you fall in love with will be there for you through thick and thin for the rest of your life, hopefully.
Knowing in advance what might happen on your love plan sounds like a load of bull, but not knowing is an even bigger load. Nevertheless, some people love to live their lives in total ignorance, and if you’re that person keep scrolling ’till you find something less superstitious for your taste.


You need to sit back and relax and do absolutely nothing for you are destined to find your one true love in 2018.
It may not happen suddenly, but there will be a gradual buildup of such circumstances that will make you be in a wonderful position to find the one who was meant to be.
It will seem like nothing could go wrong with that person and they will be the anchor of your love.


You will find the most sincere and reliable friend one could ask for. It may not be necessarily a romantic relationship but it will be nonetheless full of warmth and laughter.
You will find solace in their support and you know you can trust them without any doubt. They will provide that much-needed stability in your otherwise frantic relationships and social life which is almost a blur.


You might have faced disappointments in relationships over and over again. You may have started blaming yourself for the reasons that led to the unfortunate end in relationships.
However, 2018 is the year when you will learn to forgive yourself and turn a new leaf. You will forget about the past and try to rediscover your own self. To know oneself is one of the proven ways to know what you need in life.
Right now you have started to realize you need to connect with the inner you and that is precisely what you are going to do.


It may be a very brief encounter but it will shake your very foundations about your concept of love and relationships.
You may not be able to continue the relationship with that individual but they will have a profound impact on the way you think about intimate matters. 
This will be a journey of self-discovery and will leave you with the clarity of thought on what qualities you espouse in your lover.


As the fate will have it you will once again be at the crossroads face to face with an old romance that was seemingly a great relationship. The universe will conspire again and make you two come together and find that comfort and happiness with each other.
You will realize how fortunate you have been to find that person again since the time you both will spend together will be full of excitement and love. Embrace that person tightly this time and don’t lose them again since they are your rock and complete you.


Unfortunately, the year 2017 was anything but romantic as far as relationships go. No matter how hard you tried it proved to be absent of any passion, not even a casual fling got a worthwhile reaction.
However, you need not be disheartened by this dry spell of love as 2018 will offer several opportunities for a blossoming romance. You just need to keep your chin up, keep intact your usual happy go lucky attitude and you will find that special someone soon.


You still think about your ex and how things could have been different. You are infatuated with thoughts of them and the time you both spent together and the memories made. This is the reason you are still staying single.
Well, your lonely nights of musing will finally be rewarded as that person will come back in your life. No matter how you developed your differences and went your separate ways just embrace them with open arms.
Try not to have the negative feelings fester you anymore as this time around you will be immersed in laughter as you will find your passion once again.


There will be love but very different kind of love. It will not involve someone but rather it will be the love of your surroundings.
You will find joy and peace of mind by reconnecting yourself with the serene environs. It is not necessary to only find love in a romantic relationship and that one can achieve contentment in small things of life.
You will be naturally drawn to this thought process and will ease into this way of thinking. Love and relationships can wait, what is important is to find self-contentment within yourself.


You will not realize this but slowly and gradually a long-term friend of yours will take a much deeper place in your heart.
You initially thought of them as someone who would always remain your friend but the relationship will evolve to such a level that you find yourself longing for them. They will make you reflect your personality and make you grow and refine yourself.
In short, they will be your soul mate without whom you will always feel a gaping void that can only be filled by them. It would not be surprising to you if you end up marrying that same person since it feels so right.


This year is about painting the town red! You are not going to be tied down any longer by societal norms and will finally have the courage to do things your way.
You will try different things, brave new territories of love and simply explore your potential romance which is still out there somewhere.


You find yourself slowly drifting apart in your current relationship. You find the passion dwindling and interests dying out.
There is no longer that excitement which once you shared with your significant other. The year 2018 will jolt you from your slumber and make you open your eyes to the tumbling romance.
You will become more proactive and take measures to rectify the situation and will succeed in making the one you loved to come back.


You will find your one true love. It will be a feeling that you can’t deny and if you stay true to your heart you will never even have the need to look for other options.
You will always find that whatever you were looking for in romance is what your partner embodies in their character. The romance between you will not be a one-time fling but something far more significant and meaningful.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Everything You Need to Know about Black Friday Shopping:

In 2016, more than 154 million people in the U.S. shopped in stores and online over the Thanksgiving weekend, according to a survey commissioned by the National Retail Federation (NRF). That's more than 60 percent of the nation's total population of adults. The NRF data indicates that nearly 100 million people shopped in stores over the holiday weekend while 108 million shopped online, and some, of course, did both.

The NRF survey results show that Black Friday shopping appeals more to Millennials—adults aged 18 to 34 years—than it does to others. They were more likely to shop over the holiday weekend, and they were more likely to shop for themselves (doing more of their shopping online than in person).


The average shopper spent about $290 dollars over the three-day period, according to NRF, down ten dollars from 2015. ShopperTrak estimates that this resulted in $12.1 billion dollars spent on Thursday and Friday, with the majority of it, $10 million, spent on Black Friday. According to Adobe Insights, $5.2 billion was spent online during this two-day period.
According to Mindshare, online sales for the four-day period of November 24-27 broke records, with total spending of $9.36 billion, which represents more than a 16 percent increase over 2015.
Shoppers spent more online than ever on Black Friday, at more than $3 billion.
Not to be outdone, Cyber Monday broke previous records as well, with consumers spending $3.4 billion in one day, according to Adobe Insights. This was not only a 12 percent increase over Cyber Monday 2015, it is also a figure that makes Cyber Monday 2016 the most lucrative online retail day in history.


Contrary to the stereotypical image of women as shopaholics, it was actually men who spent the most on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Mindshare reported prior to the shopping events that men surveyed anticipated spending nearly 69% more than the average woman, or $417 compared to $247.
Mindshare's survey also showed that it was older adults, those aged 35-54 who intended to spend the most of any age group, at an average of $356 per person. Millennials, however, were right behind them at a projected $338.
This level of spending among Millennials, considerably higher than the average for all shoppers, might strike some as curious, or even selfish, given that they were more likely to shop for themselves than other age groups. It's worth noting that Millennials have struggled financially during early adulthood in ways that previous generations have not, thanks in part to the Great Recession and to the ever-soaring mountain of student debt. Due in large part to these and other economic factors, Millennial adults are more likely to live at home with their parents than any other previous generation of young adults since 1880. For these reasons, it's quite likely that many among this age group use the opportunity of Black Friday discounts to purchase necessities or minor luxuries that they can't otherwise afford.


Though many likely think of Black Friday and the entire Thanksgiving weekend as a frenzy of shoppers battling for deals at big box stores across the country, NRF data show that more people actually shopped online than in-store this year. Over the holiday weekend, online shopping was at its peak on Black Friday, until, of course, Cyber Monday rolled around.
The vast majority of in-store shopping took place on Black Friday too, but again, bucking the stereotypical image, most people did not line up early or camp out for Thanksgiving or Black Friday deals. Only a small fraction of shoppers did this, and it turns out that they are more likely to men and to be Millennials. Mindshare notes that both groups were looking for specific deals on these days and that they expected the in-store deals to be better than those found online.


The NRF found that more than half who went out to shop over the holiday weekend visited a department store like Macy's and Nordstrom, and more than a third shopped at discount stores like Walmart or Target. Slightly less than a third visited an electronics store, and about 28 percent shopped at a store for clothing or accessories. One in four-holiday shoppers visited a grocery store or supermarket.
The NRF reported that clothing and accessories led as the most popular gift items among those surveyed, with toys in second place. Electronics, books, CDs, DVDs, videos and video games, and gift cards rounded out the most common items that shoppers intended to buy as gifts.
Online shoppers flocked to electronics items, including Samsung 4K televisions, Apple's iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini, Microsoft's Xbox One, and Sony's PlayStation 4, according to Adobe Insights.
Likely an indication of why men planned to spend more than women during the holiday shopping extravaganza, Mindshare reported that men were more likely than women to buy big-ticket items, including cars and auto parts, electronics, and video games. Women, on the other hand, reported plans to buy clothing and other fashion items, electronics, and toys.
Among the toys sold online during Cyber Monday, Adobe Insights reported that Lego sets were the most popular item, followed by Shopkins, Nerf, Barbie, and Little Live Pets.


Unsurprisingly, the NRF-commissioned survey found that half of all in-store shoppers said they had gone out on Thanksgiving and the subsequent days because "the deals were too good to pass up." And it was women, more so than men, who were motivated to shop by a desire to find the best deals and discounts, according to Mindshare.
Men, on the other hand, were more likely to be out shopping for specific items.
The vast majority of those polled by NRF—about 3-in-4—shopped in order to buy gifts for others.
Interestingly, from a sociological standpoint, NRF found that a third of in-store shoppers reported that they shopped because it was "tradition," and a quarter said they did it because it gave them "something to do" over the holiday weekend.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Interesting Psychological Facts:

1. You are less likely to achieve goals, if you announce them.

Studies have confirmed that if you announce your goals then you are less likely to achieve it. This is because after announcing your goal your mind works in a way that you lose motivation to achieve it.
So better be quiet and let your success make the noise not you.

2. Music can shape the type of person you are.

The type of music you listen to can shape the type of person you are because our mind starts working in the same pattern. Music can change the way you perceive the world and effects your observing power so it really has the power to change you.

3. The last person in your mind before you fall asleep is the reason either for your happiness or your pain.

This is pretty obvious as you might have spent the whole day thinking about the guy who caused you either the pain or happiness. So when we fall asleep he/she struck in mind for the whole day feeling.

4. Reason for your happiness lies in spending money more on others than yourselves.

According to a survey, people get more happiness by spending money on others rather than themselves. The reason can be affection that every human longs for.
By spending money on others we obviously share happiness with them.

5. Money can buy happiness only to an extent.

Studies show that money can buy happiness only to an extent of one million dollars(approx) per year. After this, increased income boost only a little happiness.

6. For having a good sleep you have to convince your brain that you slept well.

The science behind having a good sleep is that you just have to convince your brain that you had a good sleep. When you do so, your brain also reacts in that same manner.

7. For a better you, surround yourself with positive peoples.

Since spending time with positive people have a very positive impact on you, you are always advised to spend time with people who are happy and content with their life.
And spending time with negative people will leave a negative impact on you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Eco-Friendly Kitchen: Dishwasher or Hand Washing?

Dishwashers are the way to go if you comply with two simple criteria: "Run a dishwasher only when it’s full, and don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher," says John Morril, of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, who also advises against using the dry cycle. The water used in most dishwashers is hot enough, he says, to evaporate quickly if the door is left open after the wash and rinse cycles are complete.


Scientists at the University of Bonn in Germany who studied the issue found that the dishwasher uses only half the energy, one-sixth of the water, and less soap than hand-washing an identical set of dirty dishes. Even the most sparing and careful washers could not beat the modern dishwasher. The study also found that dishwashers excelled in cleanliness over hand washing.
Most dishwashers manufactured since 1994 use seven to 10 gallons of water per cycle, while older machines use eight to 15 gallons. Newer designs have also improved dishwasher efficiency immensely. Hot water can now be heated in the dishwasher itself, not in the household hot water heater, where heat gets lost in transit. Dishwashers also heat only as much water as needed. A standard 24-inch-wide household dishwasher is designed to hold eight place settings, but some newer models will wash the same amount of dishes inside an 18-inch frame, using less water in the process.
If you have an older, less-efficient machine, the Council recommends hand washing for the smaller jobs and saving the dishwasher for the dinner party’s aftermath.


New dishwashers that meet strict energy and water-saving efficiency standards can qualify for an Energy Star label from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Besides being more efficient and getting the dishes cleaner, qualifying newer models will save the average household about $25 per year in energy costs.
Like John Morril, the EPA recommends always running your dishwasher with a full load and avoiding the inefficient heat-dry, rinse-hold and pre-rinse features found on many recent models. Most of the appliance’s energy used goes to heat the water, and most models use just as much water for smaller loads as for larger ones. And propping the door open after the final rinse is quite adequate for drying the dishes when the washing is done.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Why Is the Ocean Salty?

Have you ever wondered why the ocean is salty? Have you wondered why lakes might not be salty? Here's a look at what makes the ocean salty and why other bodies of water have a different chemical composition.


Oceans have been around a very long time, so some of the salts were added to the water at a time when gases and lava were spewing from the increased volcanic activity. The carbon dioxide dissolved in water from the atmosphere forms weak carbonic acid which dissolves minerals.
When these minerals dissolve, they form ions, which make the water salty. While water evaporates from the ocean, the salt gets left behind. Also, rivers drain into the oceans, bringing in additional ions from rock that was eroded by rainwater and streams.
The saltiness of the ocean, or its salinity, is fairly stable at about 35 parts per thousand. To give you a sense of how much salt that is, it is estimated that if you took all the salt out of the ocean and spread it over the land, the salt would form a layer more than 500 feet (166 m) deep! You might think the ocean would become increasingly salty over time, but part of the reason it does not is because many of the ions in the ocean are taken in by the organisms that live in the ocean. Another factor may be the formation of new minerals.
So, lakes get water from streams and rivers. Lakes are in contact with the ground. Why aren't they salty?
Well, some are! Think of the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea. Other lakes, such as the Great Lakes, are filled with water that contains many minerals, yet doesn't taste salty. Why is this? Partly it is because the water tastes salty if it contains sodium ions and chloride ions. If the minerals associated with a lake don't contain much sodium, the water won't be very salty.
Another reason lakes tend not to be salty is that water often leaves lakes to continue its trip toward the sea. According to an article in Science Daily, a drop of water and its associated ions will remain in one of the Great Lakes for around 200 years. On the other hand, a water droplet and its salts may remain in the ocean for 100-200 million years.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Image may contain: 3 people, text

There are more than a hundred different types of headaches, out of which the four major types are discussed here below
1. Stress Headache: If you are stressed out for any reason, at times you may experience mild to a moderate headache. It may suddenly start, without any notice, and stop in the very same way.
2. Cluster Headache: This is a type of a severe headache, but very uncommon. It starts and remains for several days or months in a row, and goes away in the same fashion, leaving a chance of recurrence.
3. Sinus Headache: In this case, your forehead, nose bride or cheeks are paining. Accompanying symptoms are running nose and fever, mainly due to sinus inflammation.
4. Migraine Headache: A migraine headache may occur once or multiple times in a given month. Accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, burring vision, light sensitivity, etc. In addition, it’s followed by loss of appetite, irritable bowels and the like.
Here we show you a few very efficient natural headache remedies, which do not have any known side-effects.
Increase your intake of magnesium and fiber-rich food – green leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts etc.
According to some scientific studies, the leaves of the feverfew and butterbur are capable of reducing headaches to a greater degree.
Increase your water intake on a daily basis. Every day, drink a lot of water and other refreshing drinks, to keep your body hydrated.
Sometimes, wrong postures create stress on your spine and can result in a headache. Chiropractic therapy can effectively cure this problem.
The local application of ice packs can help you remove a headache caused by sinusitis.
Intake of lukewarm ginger water two or three times a day can help you reduce your headache.
The local application of cinnamon paste or intake of lukewarm water mixed with cinnamon powder is known to be an effective healer of a headache.
Freshly prepared peppermint tea or peppermint essential oil can help you heal your headache.
The local application of eucalyptus essential oil is also as good as other natural headache remedies.
The local application of betel leave paste, or chewing the leaves of this plant can give you an instant relief.
Drinking lukewarm lemon water, or local application of lemon skin paste, give excellent results as well.
Start your day with eating slices of salt-sprinkled apples, combined with lukewarm water. Or drink lukewarm water with apple cider vinegar, to keep a headache away.
There are many more natural remedies to combat headaches. However, the ones discussed above are effective enough to heal headaches without any single pill. Why won’t you give them a try and see which one suits you best!

Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...