Thursday, March 16, 2017

No More Self Doubt:

You may have heard from some so-called friends that what you have been striving for is not within your reach. Have you ever heard words like these or maybe they have come to you from supervisors through their annual review of your work performance. The question is, do you believe them and alter your dreams or goals

Don't Listen
Throughout the centuries, so-called significant or important people have told people of various walks of life, that they have no chance to succeed. In a lot of cases, many people cower from these kind of comments and start to believe that they cannot succeed, or that they do not have the intelligence or where with all to accomplish a goal or a dream. They doubt themselves. 

Self-fulfilling Prophecy
If you choose to believe these types of comments, you are engaging in what is often called a self-fulfilling prophecy, or, in other words, you start to believe what others say about you. If you do adopt as real or true what others have said about you, this means you have given control of your life, your destiny, to the opinions, thoughts and failings of others. 

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