Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Look on the sunny side of life
Be positive in life
Loose lips sink ships
People who talk too much may give away important secrets that could harm themselves or others
Love conquers all
Love motivates people to make things work
Love covers a multitude of sins
When you treat people with love, compassion, kindness, forebearing etc. you make up for a lot of your own faults because it is right to love people
Love makes the world go round
Love is the important thing in life that makes life meaningful
Love sees no faults
Real love does not take into account the flaws of a person
Love will find a way
Love motivates people to look for solutions to all problems
Man cannot live by bread alone
 It takes more than food to complete your life
Marry in haste, repent at leisure
 Do not rush into marriage because if you marry the wrong person, you will spend the rest of your life regretting it
Measure twice, cut once
 Consider your options carefully in order to make a good decision
( The ) meek shall inherit the earth
 The humble and the downtrodden but not the proud or the mighty will be rewarded with the best at the end of time
Mirrors do everything we do, but they cannot think for themselves
man-made devices have their limits, and cannot do everything humans can
Misery loves company
 unhappy people seem to like to make others unhappy too
Money cannot buy happiness
 You cannot buy joy, peace, contentment etc
Money isn't everything
 Riches cannot solve all your problems or bring you joy, peace, contentment etc.

Money makes the world go round
 People work hard and go through a lot of pain just to earn more money as if it is what keeps them going
Monkey see, monkey do
 People without minds of their own tend to blindly do and say what others do and say
More haste, less speed
 The more you hurry, the slower you seem to progress because hurrying causes you to make mistakes
Nature, time and patience are three great physicians
 The goodness of nature, time and being patient can bring healing
Never do things in halves
 Always complete a job as perfectly as you can
Never fall out with your bread and butter
 Do not quarrel with the people who pay you your salary or with your customers
Never give advice unless asked
 Do not assume that people need your help or that you have all the answers to help them, it is better to wait until you are asked for help
Never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing
 Be discreet in all you do, do not tell others your deeds, especially your good deeds
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
 Do not delay doing tasks and assignments
Never say die
 Never give up
never say never
 Always leave room for change
Never speak ill of the dead
 Do not talk badly about the departed
( It is ) never too late to repent
 It is never too late to say you are sorry, and to change your ways
( One is ) never too old to learn
 There is no age limit to acquiring knowledge
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
 Do not go looking for trouble
( A ) nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling
 A capable person, even if he is slow or not well qualified, is more valuable than an inefficient person who may be highly qualified
No man can serve two masters
 You can only be faithful to one boss, leader etc
No man is an island
 Everyone needs the companionship of others
No man is content with his lot
 Most people seem to be dissatisfied with what they have, and want other things
No man is indispensable
 No man is so useful to others that people cannot do without him
No money, no justice
 In a corrupt legal system, you can bribe lawyers and judges to win a case for you

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