Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Amazing Eye Facts:

As one of the most complex organs on the human body, the eye continues to surprise over and over again, as scientists find out more about it. From pupils expanding at the sight of someone you love, to 500 visible shades of grey, find out more about the eye than you ever knew before!
  1. Despite the amount of noise a new-born baby makes, they can’t actually produce tears when they cry: their tear ducts don’t start working until they are between 4 – 13 weeks old.
  2. Both eyes have a blind spot on the back of the retina where the optic nerve attaches, howwever you won’t notice this, due to the way eyes work together to fill gaps in your vision.
  3. Everyone around the world with blue eyes shares a common ancestor: the first person with blue eyes lived around 6,000 – 10,000 years ago, and before that, everyone had brown eyes.
  4. If you wore glasses that flipped images upside down, your brain would eventually correct your vision, and you’d see things the right way up.
  5. Some eye surgery uses shark corneas, as they are the most similar to a human cornea.
  6. Your nose runs when you cry due to tears from your eyes draining into the nose.
  7. Mascara wands cause the most injuries out of any cosmetics.
  8. The muscles that move the eyes are the fastest and strongest muscles in the body: they are 100 times more powerful than necessary.
  9. You blink more when you talk, and less when you’re reading off a computer screen or paper – the reason behind why your eyes get tired more.
  10. People generally read 25 times slower on screen than on paper.
  11. The human eye can see 500 shades of grey.
  12. New-born babies are colour-blind, and men are more predisposed to colour-blindness than women.
  13. Retina scans are being used more for security purposes: the fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, whereas an iris has 256.
  14. Pupils increase their size under the effect of strong emotions, such as attraction, disgust and interest.
  15. The eye has amazing healing powers: it can filter out dust, dirt and heal scratches in under 48 hours.
  16. Eyes are the second most complex organ in the body, after the brain.
  17. The function of tears is to keep the eye clean, but scientists haven’t yet worked out why we cry when we’re upset.
  18. One blink usually lasts around 100 – 150 milliseconds, and we blink 5.2 million times a year on average.
  19. Over 10 million color hues can be detected by the eye, but it can’t pick up ultraviolet or infrared light.
  20. Around half of the brain is used for seeing and vision.

Facts About the Colour Purple:

Purple M&M's
Royalty, nobility, luxury and ambition are all associated with the colour purple. But what other facts do we know about this magical colour?
  1. Originally, the colour purple came from a dye made from the mucus glands of a tropical sea snail known as the murex.
  2. The murex’s Latin name is purpura, which is where we get the word purple from.
  3. Because purple dye was so difficult to obtain and expensive to produce, the colour became the royal colour in many parts of the world and is traditionally associated with royalty and power.
  4. In Japan, the colour purple signifies wealth and position.
  5. Purple is the hardest colour for the eye to distinguish.
  6. Carrots used to be purple – as well as red, white, yellow and of coarse orange.
  7. Purple symbolizes the gay community in many Western cultures.
  8. The Archbishop of Cyprus is allowed to sign official papers in purple ink.
  9. The film Purple Rain, released in 1984, won an Oscar for the Best Original Song Score.
  10. A film called The Color Purple, which was released in 1985, received 11 Oscar nominations, however it didn’t win a single award.
  11. Purple is the colour for epilepsy awareness because of it’s association with lavender, which is a traditional herbal treatment for the disease.
  12. 26th March is Purple Day, which is a day where people dress in purple and raise awareness for Epilepsy.
  13. Purple Day was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a nine year-old Canadian.
  14. If you’re born “in the purple” you are born of high or a noble birth.
  15. Forbidden City in Beijing, China is actually called “The Purple Forbidden City”, which is a reference to a secret purple area in heaven, thought to be centered somewhere near the North Star.
  16. You may have heard the “fact” that nothing rhymes with the word purple, this is incorrect. Curple is a strap under the girth of a horse’s saddle, which stops the saddle from kicking forward. Hirple is to walk with a limp and Nurple – which is my favourite one, is the act of roughly twisting a nipple!
  17. Samuel L. Jackson said that he would only play Mace Windu in Star Wars if he had a purple lightsaber!
  18. Dominica is the only nation on Earth to use the colour purple in its flag.
  19. In the garden, the perfect complimentary colour to purple is yellow
  20. The Purple Finch is the State bird of New Hampshire.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Facts About the Colour Pink:

Facts About the Colour Pink
If you’re favourite colour is pink, then you’re going to enjoy these facts!
  1. The colour pink is actually symbolised for joy and happiness.
  2. The third Sunday of the advent is said to be pink coloured according to Christianity.
  3. The dyes that were used to prepare this colour were known as Madder roots.
  4. This root used to produce all the colours relating to pink shade.
  5. This colour has also been always associated with women.
  6. This colour is associated with the second day of week according to Solar Thai Calendar.
  7. A pink colour ribbon is used to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness.
  8. This colour is considered to be the most delicate colour.
  9. A pink slip is used as an informal sort of notification which is given to an employee when she/he is being terminated.
  10. It is also referred to as, the “colour of love” and is widely used on Valentine’s Day.
  11. The name pink was given to this colour in late 17th century.
  12. The colour has also been used on prison walls in order to reduce the erratic behaviour of inmates.
  13. The city of Jaipur in India is known as “Pink City” due to the various heritage sites that are built using pink colour.
  14. The people in China were not aware of this colour until they had an interaction with the western culture.
  15. It is believed that pastries taste better in pink boxes and plates.
  16. Many famous brands in the world are associated with colour pink by including it in their logo.
  17. The colour pink is often used for people who are light-hearted.
  18. Pink is known to increase the heart rate and blood pressure of a person.
  19. This colour also has a tranquillizing effect on the mind.
  20. It is the most given colour for sending flowers to someone.


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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Incredible Facts About Camels:

30 Fun Facts About Camels

Facts About Camels

Most of us know two things about camels – they have humps on their back and they spit at people. Thousands of people list riding a camel as one of their life goals, but how many of us actually know something interesting about these amazing creatures?
  1. Camels’ humps are not used to store water. Even though they come from hot climates, their humps store fat and also help the rest of their bodies to stay cooler. When needed, the fat will be converted to food or water.
  2. The word ‘camel’ comes from an Arabic word: ǧml. This word is literally translated to mean beauty. Don’t ever try and say that camels are ugly!
  3. They need to stay hydrated in the desert, so it’s no surprise that camels can drink as much as 40 gallons of water at once. Considering it’s not being stored in their humps, that’s pretty amazing.
  4. During the Second World War, German tank drivers would drive their vehicles over camel droppings, thinking it would bring them good luck.
  5. Arabian camels are the ones which only have one hump (Asian camels have two). In Arabian culture, they are so iconic that there are more than 160 words which mean ‘camel’.
  6. Some travelling circuses still have camels as a part of the show, although campaigners have been fighting for years to stop this. They rarely perform, but are used for people to look at or take photographs with.
  7. Camels are very social, even though they might seem extremely laid-back and slow. In the wild, they travel with around 30 others when looking for food.
  8. Clara C released a song called ‘The Camel Song’. The song mentions ‘a desert full of camels’, but the main theme is love and not camels!
  9. Camels will not damage their mouths if they eat thorny twigs and other items which might cause injury to other animals.
  10. There are more than 14 million camels in the world – most of them live in the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
  11. In Turkey, a camel wrestling event takes place every January. Camel wrestling dates back to the ancient world, so even though animal rights groups aren’t very happy with the sport, there are no signs of it stopping in the near future.
  12. Ever wondered why a camel’s mouth seems to be split into two? This helps them to graze and eat their food more effectively.
  13. The majority of mammals, including humans, only need to lose 15% of water before becoming dehydrated. However, camels are able to lose up to 25%, which means they can go much longer without water.
  14. In Middle Eastern countries, many people eat camel and consider it a delicacy. The hump is apparently the best part, and younger camels are tastier than the older animals.
  15. A camel’s nostrils are amazing. They retain water vapour which can be returned to the body when necessary, but they can also be closed if there is too much sand or wind blowing.
  16. David Baldacci created a group of characters known as The Camel Club. They featured in five novels, which are about the government and the secret service.
  17. Camels don’t just spit for fun. If they feel threatened, they will use it as a defence mechanism. Be nice to camels and they’ll be nice to you!
  18. They may not seem like fighters, but camels have been used during wars in the past. Ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians used to ride them, but they were used in the 20th century too.
  19. The grandfather of the prophet Mohammad almost sacrificed one of his sons to an Arabic god named Hubal. However, the god accepted 100 camels as an alternative sacrifice.
  20. In 1855, the US Congress allowed the War Department to purchase camels using a $30,000 budget. They were used for several years, until the soldiers became tired of their bad tempers and smell.
  21. Wild Bactrians are the only type of camels which have never been tamed or domesticated. They live in the wastelands of Eastern Asia and are incredibly tough creatures. However, they are less than a thousand of them left on the earth.
  22. The world’s largest meal included a roasted camel. It was served at an Arabic wedding feast.
  23. If you visit Abu Dhabi, you’ll be able to pick up a camel milkshake – made with real camel milk. The milk has loads more Vitamin C and iron than cows’ milk, and is very good for you. It is used in Kazakhstan to help treat illnesses, such as tuberculosis. The only reason it hasn’t made its way to the Western world is because the governments won’t pay for testing processes.
  24. The Camel Mobile Library provides people in Kenya with literature. Camels are used to take books to areas which would not otherwise have access to a library.
  25. Llamas look a lot like camels, and can cause confusion if you don’t know the difference. The main difference is that camels will always have at least one hump, whereas llamas have no hump. Camels are also much larger.
  26. A camel might appear to have thick fur, but its coat reflects the sun. This makes it ideal in the hot desert, and the camels don’t get too hot.
  27. The Al-Dhafra Camel Festival takes place every year in the UAE. One of the most popular events is the beauty contest, which sees thousands of camels compete for the title.
  28. Camels aren’t as slow as they look – they can run up to speeds of 40mph. However, they cannot maintain this for very long, but can comfortably move at up to 25mph.
  29. The legend of the Red Ghost tells the story of a terrifying red camel wandering an Arizona desert and causing all kinds of atrocities, including killing people and trampling over tents.
  30. The only time you will see a camel without a hump is when it is first born. Once the baby camel is old enough to eat solids, the hump (or humps) will start growing.

Random Facts About Giraffes:

Random Giraffe Facts

We all know them as the tallest creatures in the world, but there are so many more fascinating facts about giraffes that you don’t know. So check out these top thirty fun facts here!

  1. New-born giraffes stand at around 6 feet tall, making them taller than most adult humans.
  2. Although giraffes are very tall, they don’t sleep much. Most of them get around 10 minutes to two hours of sleep per day.
  3. Even when they get the little amount of sleep required each day, they don’t lie down. Giraffes go to sleep standing up most of the time.
  4. They are also able to give birth while standing up, meaning that these creatures rarely have an excuse to lie down!
  5. Within just 10 hours of their birth, baby giraffes can run with their families without struggling.
  6. The patterns on a giraffe are totally unique – no two giraffes are ever the same!
  7. Giraffes used to be known as ‘camel leopards’, due to their tall structure and leopard-like pattern. The scientific name today has not changed – Camelopardalis.
  8. The name was given to these creatures by Julius Caesar, who received a giraffe as a gift and was thrilled with it! After showing it off to the people of Rome, he ended up feeding it to the lions.
  9. Their tongues can be as long as 45cm, allowing them to get their lunch from very tall trees!
  10. Between their pregnancies, female giraffes only have a two-week window in which to get pregnant.
  11. Giraffes conserve water very well, mainly because they don’t sweat or pant when hot. Adult giraffes only need to find water once a day.
  12. They can run up to speeds of 35 miles per hour, outrunning most horses.
  13. Their long legs mean that they can cover plenty of space in a short amount of time, making their average walking speed around 10 miles per hour.
  14. A giraffe’s sharp 12-inch hooves can cause a lot of damage, and could even kill a lion if necessary.
  15. The Giraffe Dance has been popular in Africa since the 1950’s, supposedly curing and bringing strength to people. The dance consists of women sitting down while men dance around them in a circle.
  16. When giraffes are seen rubbing their necks against one another, they are competing to see who is stronger. Known as ‘necking’, it is a practice between male giraffes.
  17. A giraffe’s tongue is blue-back to protect it from sunburn in hot climates.
  18. Famous toy manufacturer, Toys ‘R’ Us, chose a cartoon giraffe as their mascot in the 1950’s. His name was Geoffrey the Giraffe, but he was first known as Dr. G. Raffe.
  19. Ever wondered what sound a giraffe makes? These animals often snort and hiss, but can also make very low sounds which are impossible for humans to hear.
  20. Giraffes are able to drink up to 10 gallons of water each day, and also get water from the plants they eat, including acacias.
  21. A giraffe’s heart weighs around 11kg, compared to a human heart which weighs between 0.2-0.45kg.
  22. Of all land mammals, the giraffe boasts the longest tail. Adult giraffes can have tails up to 8 feet long.
  23. When females need to go and hunt food, one of them will stay behind and babysit the young giraffes.
  24. Oxpeckers are birds which feed off parasites on giraffes’ bodies. This win-win situation for both creatures ensures that the birds find food and that the giraffes get rid of unwanted parasites.
  25. Baby giraffes play together in a crèche for the first five months of their lives. Their mothers will usually be out hunting food.
  26. A giraffe can move at only two speeds – walk and gallop.
  27. Even though a giraffe has a longer neck than all other mammals, it still only has seven vertebrae in its neck, which is the same amount as other animals.
  28. Through the years, giraffes have been greatly loved and honoured by humans. In ancient Egyptian art, they were often depicted as creatures of great power and strength.
  29. Giraffes have amazing eyesight, which means that they can wander away from one another but find their way back very easily.
  30. Male giraffes and female giraffes eat from different parts of the same tree. This is to prevent competition between the males and females.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Facts:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is known to some as John Winchester from Supernatural and to others as Denny from Grey’s Anatomy. But the majority of people who haven’t been living on Mars for the past year will know him as Negan, the terrifying and charismatic villain from AMC’s The Walking Dead. Here are some facts you might not have known about him.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is 50 years old. He was born on April 22nd 1966 in Seattle, Washington, he grew up in the town of Kirkland. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (known henceforth as JDM because that is one long name) attended Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, Rose Hill Junior High, and was captain of the basketball team at Lake Washington High School. He even played basketball in college, but had to give it up after sustaining an injury. He is said to be a lifelong Seattle Seahawks fan (that’s American Football for those of you who are sport challenged). Like his character in The Walking Dead, JDM enjoys baseball, though the lack of terrifying news reports about actors going crazy would indicate he doesn’t love it quite as much as Negan. He now lives on a working farm in Dutchess County, New York, with his partner Hilarie Burton, his son Gus, and a bunch of chickens, cows, and alpacas. JDM, his partner, and Paul Rudd (of Ant Man fame), are co-owners of Samuel’s Sweet Shop in the town of Rhinebeck, which faced closure when the previous owner, a friend of the actors, died suddenly.
Whilst living in Seattle, Jeffrey started up a graphic art company, before moving to California in 1991 to pursue a career in acting. Said career in acting went fairly smoothly, with bit parts in TV series, and 11 episodes of 1996’s The Burning Zone, which ran for only 19 episodes. He continued to play bit parts until his agent, a good friend of his, quit, stating that she simply “could not resurrect his career”. The day after she quit, JDM was cast as John Winchester in Supernatural.
Speaking of Supernatural, JDM plays the father of the two main characters, but is only 12 years older than the actor who plays his eldest son, Jensen Ackles. His Walking Dead co-star, Lauren Cohen (Maggie Greene) has also appeared in Supernatural, and she played JDM’s wife in Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman, where the pair played Thomas and Martha Wayne. That’s right, Maggie Greene and Negan gave the world Bruce Wayne.
JDM also appeared in Zack Snyder’s Watchmen as the Comedian, a cigar chomping anti-hero that, like his other Zack Snyder character, is also father of a superhero, as the Comedian is the father of Silk Spectre II. He initially turned down the role of the Comedian in Watchmen because he thought his part would just be a cameo (after reading a grand total of 3 pages of the script). It was up to his agent to persuade him to read the rest of the script, after which he was happy to play the part. That was not so when he heard about a casting call for a villain the The Walking Dead, however. Once his agent told him of the opportunity he said “it’s f****** Negan. And I’m f****** doing it”. Once he finally decided to audition for Watchmen though, he actually got the part of the Comedian by being grumpy. All the other actors director Zack Snyder met with were “too groomed” and too nice. Use this next time someone tells you to cheer up.
Like all actors, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has had to acquire new skill sets for specific roles. For his role in P.S. I Love You JDM had to learn to play the guitar in a week. He was lucky enough to be taught by Nancy Wilson from the band Heart; if you’ve never heard of them they formed in the 60s and did that “Barracuda” song. JDM was reportedly very happy with the arrangement because he had a crush on her when he was a kid!
You may or may not have noticed that Jeffrey Dean Morgan has a scar on his right cheek. You might have mistaken it for a weirdly placed wrinkle, but he actually got that from trying to break up a fight between a guy and his girlfriend. He was driving past a 7-Eleven on his motorcycle (because he’s cool) and noticed some guy beating up his girlfriend. He pulled over to try and stop the guy (again, because he’s cool) and the girlfriend smacked him in the face with a broken bottle (because she was not cool).
JDM has a love of animals, dogs specifically, because who doesn’t? In 2006 he donated a piece of his artwork to Rescues’ Walk of Paws celebrity art auction. The proceeds went to help shelter dogs and cats in Pasadena, California. When his dog Bisou died at the age of 17, his fans rallied amongst themselves to donate to The Brittany Foundation, another charity dedicated to helping homeless dogs, in Bisou’s name. Because a guy that cool can only inspire coolness in others.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan bears a striking resemblance to fellow actor Javier Bardem, and has even stated in interviews that when he gets recognised people often mistake him for the scary guy from No Country For Old Men. According to another interview, in Flaunt Magazine, he lives by 2 rules: “We don’t tattoo someone’s name on our body, and we don’t get married”. That’s my life’s ambitions flushed down the toilet.
So there you have it, a few facts and a little fun, about everyone’s most conflicted crush, the terrifying Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Try to spot the scar next time you watch The Walking Dead, if only to take your mind off of the horrors that are sure to follow his appearance on screen. And remember that he loves puppies; any guy who loves puppies can’t be all that bad, even if IMDb says that he’s most well known for playing amoral, villainous characters, underneath it all he’s just a big softie.

9 Foods That Have Been Renamed To Get You To Buy Them:

What’s in a name? A lot, apparently. Especially when we’re talking about food. Don’t believe us? Would you pick Patagonian Toothfish over Chilean Sea Bass? Would you ever tuck into a lunch of locusts? How would you feel about Sky Prawn Sandwich? Would you pay more ‘jam’, or ‘fruit preserve’?
The fact is that the name of a food – that is, the way it’s described – plays a huge part in how much we want to eat it, and what we’re willing to pay for it. It makes sense that food producers, manufacturers, and marketers would take advantage of this, and ensure they name foods to make them sound as appetizing – and premium – as possible.
The infographic below details nine foods that were renamed to make them more appealing to consumers – whether that’s to boost sales and command a higher price or shake off a poor reputation.

Foods That Have Been Renamed To Get You To Buy Them

Louis Tomlinson Facts - One Direction:

Louis Tomlinson Facts

If Louis is your favourite member of boy-band One Direction, read these top fun facts about Louis Tomlinson and see how many you don’t know!
  1. Louis’ middle name is William.
  2. Louis was born on Christmas Eve in 1991. He is 25 years old.
  3. His star sign is Capricorn.
  4. He is the oldest member in One Direction.
  5. He was born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.
  6. Louis is 5’6″ tall (1.72 m).
  7. Louis has four sisters. Charlotte, Felicity and twins Daisy and Phoebe.
  8. His mother is called Johanna and his father is Troy Austin.
  9. His step father is called Mark, Louis’ surname changed to Tomlinson at a young age.
  10. He does not have any cousins.
  11. His eye colour is blue.
  12. He has a dog named Ted.
  13. He once pulled a moonie to his head teacher.
  14. Louis got suspended from school and had to retake year 12.
  15. Louis supports Manchester United Football Club.
  16. He prefers a shower over a bath.
  17. He can play the piano really well.
  18. His favourite song to play on the piano is ‘Mr Brightside’ by The Killers.
  19. Louis likes the word boobs – he thinks it’s a funny word.
  20. His favourite colour is dark red.
  21. He didn’t like the fact that he was the oldest member in 1D.
  22. Louis had a chilly flavoured ice cream in France and said it was amazing!
  23. ‘The Fray’ is Louis’ favourite band.
  24. Louis was voted number four in Sugarscape’s Top 50 Hottest Males of 2011.
  25. He first met Harry in the X Factor toilets.
  26. Louis Tomlinson is not gay.
  27. Louis has licked Zayn’s lips before – the fact that he is not gay still stands.
  28. He has size 10 feet.
  29. On March 19th 2012, he reached 2 million Twitter fans.
  30. Whilst filming for the video of ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, Louis sent a message in a bottle.
  31. Louis doesn’t like birds.
  32. He dislikes baked beans.
  33. Tomlinson loves Marmite!
  34. He says he isn’t brave enough to get his nipples pierced.
  35. His favourite month in the year is December.
  36. He played ‘Danny’ in the film Grease.
  37. He was in an ITV1 drama called If I Had You.
  38. In May 2012, Louis was woken up by a naked man trying to enter his hotel room at five in the morning – The man was drunk and apparently just looking for the toilet!
  39. Louis wants to have children when he is older and would prefer to have a son.
  40. He holds a full UK Driving Licence.
  41. Louis admits to being very messy, although I don’t really see anybody complaining about cleaning up after him!
  42. In September 2011, Louis Tomlinson appeared alongside Harry, cooking on ITV’s This Morning.
  43. Louis admits he’s a really bad cook.
  44. Louis sometimes sleepwalks and he once tried to get into Niall’s bed with him!
  45. He enjoyed watching the Twilight Saga and pretended to be Edward Cullen for a night after watching New Moon.
  46. Louis says that fans who thinks he is gay, “are not real fans”.
  47. Louis was fined £80 for speeding on the way to V Festival in summer 2012, he was doing eight miles over the speed limit.
  48. He pulled down Niall’s pants at a service station!
  49. He started dating Eleanor Calder in October 2011.
  50. His Twitter profile is @Louis_Tomlinson.

Niall Horan Facts - One Direction:

Niall Horan Facts - 1D

If Niall is your favourite member of One Direction, you should read these top fun facts about Niall Horan and see how many you don’t know!
  1. Niall’s middle name is James.
  2. Niall is the only member of One Direction who was not born in the England. He was born in Mullingar, Ireland.
  3. His birthday is 13th September 1993. He is 23 years old.
  4. His father is called Bobby, his mother is called Maura.
  5. He has one brother called Greg.
  6. Niall Skype’s his family and close friends from their tour bus.
  7. He has blue eyes.
  8. Before they named the band One Direction, Niall suggested they should be ‘Niall and the Potatoes’.
  9. He believes in no sex before marriage.
  10. His star sign is Virgo.
  11. Niall’s microphone has the colours of the Irish flag stuck to the bottom of it.
  12. The only book Niall has ever read is ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’.
  13. Niall plays the guitar.
  14. His guitar was the best Christmas present he ever received.
  15. Niall cannot play the piano.
  16. He likes girls with brown eyes.
  17. Niall didn’t take his t-shirt off in the ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ video because he didn’t think he was slim enough.
  18. Niall feels awkward talking about his body.
  19. His favourite subject in school was geography.
  20. Niall didn’t do his school exams.
  21. He never went to his school prom.
  22. Niall hates it when a girl is too afraid to eat in front of him.
  23. On the X Factor, Katy Perry told Niall not to let her down. The day their album came out in the U.S. she tweeted Niall saying “Congratulations, you didn’t let me down”.
  24. Niall had two fish called Tom and Jerry, but they both died because he over fed them!
  25. He is left-handed.
  26. His favourite aftershave is Armani Mania.
  27. He talks in his sleep.
  28. When Niall hugs, he buries his face in the person’s neck.
  29. Niall sings in the shower.
  30. When he watched the film Finding Nemo for the first time, he cried!
  31. He has a cat called Jess.
  32. Niall has read the first page of Fifty Shades of Grey, he said it was good but didn’t finish reading it.
  33. Niall loves Galaxy chocolate, but lets face it, who doesn’t!
  34. Niall had a live hamster thrown at him during a concert.
  35. Niall went to his first gig when he was ten years old, he saw ‘Busted’ in Dublin.
  36. He likes to swear a lot, which is why he is normally quiet in interviews.
  37. Niall likes girls who can put on different accents or speak different languages.
  38. Niall waxed his legs for charity, but said he wouldn’t do it again as it was too painful.
  39. Niall admits to masturbating on the tour bus. He describes it as ‘relieving tour bus boredom’.
  40. He admits that he would prefer to lick a fat man’s armpit, than drown in a sea of mayonnaise!
  41. Niall is a ‘Belieber’.
  42. He screamed when Justin Bieber followed him on Twitter.
  43. Niall would like to collaborate with Justin Bieber.
  44. His favourite animals are giraffes.
  45. He has claustrophobia, which is the fear of small/enclosed spaces.
  46. When he was younger, he had a fear of clowns.
  47. He has size 8 shoes.
  48. Niall can put on several accents, he is good at the Scottish accent, the Geordie and American.
  49. His hair is naturally brown, but he dyes it.
  50. His Twitter profile is @NiallOfficial.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Republic Day 2017 - Ceremony At Rajpath:

NEW DELHI:  India celebrates its 68th Republic Day today. The Parade, held every year at Rajpath in Delhi, concluded earlier today. On January 26, 1950, the Constitution of India came into force, and Republic Day is celebrated to honour that day. On this day in 1950, the first President of India, Dr Rajendra Prasad took oath. President Pranab Mukherjee started the ceremony by hoisting the Indian flag, following which the Republic Day Parade began from Rajpath. The parade, held annually on January 26, starts from Rajpath and ends at Red Fort in Delhi. Every year on Republic Day, India invites a visiting head of state, who is the state guest of honour (chief guest) for the ceremony. This year's guest of honour was the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who personally received the Prince at the airport, said that United Arab Emirates is India's valued partner and close ties between the two countries are important for the entire region. India and UAE have signed 13 agreements, including one on strategic cooperation. Though Republic Day is celebrated on January 26 with the Parade on Rajpath, the celebrations are spread over three days and ends with the Beating Retreat ceremony on January 29.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Zayn Malik Facts - One Direction:

Zayn Malik Facts

If you’re a fan of Zayn Malik – former member of the popular British boy-band One Direction, check out these top fifty fun facts & see how many you don’t know!
  1. Zayn Malik was a member in the popular British Band One Direction.
  2. His middle name is Javadd.
  3. Zayn is 24 years old. He was born on 12th January 1993 at Saint Luke’s hospital in Bradford, England
  4. His star sign is Capricorn.
  5. Zayn’s name is originally spelt ‘Zain’, however he prefers ‘Zayn’.
  6. ‘Zayn’ means ‘Beautiful’ in Arabic.
  7. Zayn is a Muslim.
  8. His shoe size is 8½.
  9. Zayn first appeared on X Factor as a solo artist.
  10. Originally, he applied to be on the 2009 series of X Factor, however he pulled out before the auditions started.
  11. On 25th March 2015, Zayn announced that he was going to leave One Direction.
  12. In January 2016, Zayn released his first solo track Pillowtalk, from his debut solo studio album Mind of Mine.
  13. Zayn has both his ears pierced.
  14. His father is from Pakistan.
  15. He has light brown eyes.
  16. Zayn has one older sister and two younger sisters called Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa.
  17. Zayn’s first kiss was at age 10, with a girl called Sophie Kirk.
  18. Pillowtalk debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart, with 112,497 sales and over 4.972 million streams for the first week.
  19. Zayn said his perfect day would be relaxing at home with his family.
  20. Zayn suffers from acrophobia, which is the fear of heights.
  21. Before X Factor, Zayn had never been on a plane.
  22. Zayn’s X Factor serial number was #165616.
  23. He can play the triangle.
  24. Zayn is a cat lover, his favourite animal is a lion.
  25. He has a pet dog called Boris and two cats called Rolo and Tom.
  26. Zayn had two other cats when he was younger, called Lolo and Lily.
  27. He likes intelligent girls.
  28. His favourite food is chicken.
  29. Zayn is a smoker.
  30. One of his hobbies is drawing.
  31. In Arabic, Malik means ‘king’ or ‘chieftain’.
  32. He can’t swim as he never had lessons when he was younger.
  33. One of the most bizarre things Zayn has seen a fan do, was hiding in a bin to avoid being seen by security.
  34. In 2009 Zayn set a world record for the highest ever sugar cube tower!
  35. His favourite Pokémon is Oshawott.
  36. If you meet him and give him your Twitter name, he will follow you.
  37. Whilst filming for Comic Relief in Ghana, Zayn broke down in tears.
  38. He ripped his boxers once, and a fan told him.
  39. Zayn held Harry’s hand when Harry his first tattoo.
  40. He is scared of the dark!
  41. In April 2012, Malik got a new tattoo on his left collarbone which translates to “be true to who you are.”
  42. Zayn didn’t have a passport before he was on X Factor.
  43. His favourite shark is a hammerhead!
  44. He always brushes his teeth before going on stage.
  45. On 3rd July 2012, Malik bought a Bentley Continental GT, which cost £32,000!
  46. Zayn has a six-pack abs.
  47. He supports Manchester United football team.
  48. Zayn loves the Harry Potter books.
  49. Micheal Jackson’s, “Thriller” is Zayn’s favourite song.
  50. His official Twitter profile is @ZaynMalik.

Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...