Friday, December 16, 2016


A loaded wagon makes no noise
People who are very rich do not feel the need to speak about their wealthy as they do not feel threatened in any way
A man is known by the company he keeps
You can tell about a person by observing who he spends time with
A man is ruled by his passions
Your character, personality, attitude etc can be overtaken by your emotions if they are strong enough
A man's home is his castle
You feel most secure, free and in control in your own home
A pot of milk is ruined by a drop of poison
Something bad no matter how small can ruin all your plans, successes etc.
A small leak will sink a great ship
Small problems are worth the time to fix as they can eventually cause great damage
A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never
It is wise to reconsider your plans, ideas, actions in the light of new information rather than to blindly stick to an earlier decision
A word spoken is past recalling
 What has been said cannot be taken back, so think before you speak
A word to the wise is enough
 You need not be long-winded when speaking to intelligent people or those who understand you well
Advice most needed is least heeded
 People tend to ignore or overlook the help or advice they nee the most
After a storm, comes a calm
 Every problem eventually comes to an end, so cheer up
All for one and one for all
People who are committed to working together for a positive outcome
All good things come to an end
 Every event, no matter how enjoyable, must end at some point
All the world loves a lover
 Everyone loves to see people in love
All things come to him who waits
 You will get what you want if you are willing to wait for it patiently

All's fair in love and war
 Where powerful emotions are concerned, there can be no firm rules of behavior
All's well that ends well
 A happy ending to a difficult situation can help you forget or disregard the earlier trouble

An army marches on its stomach
 You need to eat for energy to complete your tasks
An empty bag will not stand upright
 Quality comes with effort
Appearances are deceptive
 What looks good may not really be so
April showers bring May flowers
 Unpleasant events can sometimes lead to better things
As soon as a man is born, he begins to die
 Death is the destiny of every man
Ask no questions and hear no lies
 Do not force a person into telling you a lie by forcing him to talk about something he does not want to talk about
Avoid evil and it will avoid thee
 Stay out of trouble, and trouble will not follow you
Bad news travels fast
 People seem to hear bad news very fast
Bad is never good until worse happens
 A bad situation you have been complaining about will suddenly seem a blessing when something worse happens
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it
 What you wish for may not really be what is good for you
Beauty is only skin-deep
 Looks are not the most important thing about a person
Behind every successful man is a woman
 A man's strongest and most loyal supporters are usually his mother and/or his wife
Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all
 To have something, no matter how little or poor in quality, is better than to have nothing at all
Do as I saw, and not as I do
 Do something as you have seen it done although it may be different from your own way of doing it
Doctors make the worst patients
 It is difficult advising people on matters they are supposed to be experts on because they believe they know better
Don't go near the water until you learn how to swim
 Do not try to do something before you have learned how to do it or before you are ready for it
Don't mend what isn't broken
 Do not change things that are working fine as they are
Don't shut the barn door after the horse is gone
 Prepare for emergencies and eventualities before they happen
Don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs
 Do not be presumptuous and teach an experienced person how things should be done

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