Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In Norway only 5% of financial transactions use cash and the country could be cash free by 2020.

If you held a grain of sand at arm's length so it covered part of the sky, the patch of sky covered by the grain would hold 10,000 galaxies.

Google Translate generates its answers by trawling through decades of comparative human translated works, such as UN documents and Harry Potter novels.

The entire population of California (38M) is more than the entire country of Canada (35M), with California only having 163,000 sq. miles to Canada's 3.85 million sq. miles.

Indian Govt going to launch its own operating system named Bharat Operating System Solutions to replace Microsoft Windows.

The term pizza first appeared in a Latin text in 997 AD, but tomatoes had not come to Italy yet, so it likely was bread with cheese and oil.

The Eiffel Tower was going to be demolished in 1909, but was saved because it was repurposed as a giant radio antenna.

The word 'queue' is the only word in the English language that is pronounced the same when the last four letters are omitted.

The popular ice cream flavor "Tutti Frutti" got its name because it literally means "All Fruits" in Italian.

There's a place in New Zealand called "Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu". At 85 characters, this place name is reputed to be the longest in the world.

There is a town named "No Name" in Colorado (United States) with a population of 123.

Metallica is the first and only band to play on all seven continents.

Bhanu Prakash Racha from India to click 1800 selfies in one hour to break the Guinness World Record of NFL star Patrick Peterson which stands at 1,449 selfies taken in an hour.

If the history of the universe was condensed into a year, the Milky Way would form on May 15, life on earth would appear on September 21, and the dinosaurs would go extinct on December 30. Modern humans would evolve on December 31 at 11:52 PM and Columbus would discover America at 11:59:58 PM.

There is a city in California that crosses the border with Mexico. On the US side, it is called Calexico, and on the Mexican side it is Mexicali.

If all the gold ever mined were melted into a cube, it would measure only about 68 feet in each direction.

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