Monday, September 28, 2015

Interesting Facts..!!

Leap year does not occur every 4 years. Feb 29th is added to the calendar year only when the number of the year is divisible by 4.

The digits in the speed of light (299 792 458 M/S) are exactly the same as the latitude(29.9792458°N) of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

In France (and its former colonies) they teach that there are 6 continents (North and South America are combined). Russia, Eastern Europe, and Japan also teach 6, but they combine Europe and Asia (Eurasia). China, India, the Philippines, parts of W. Europe, English-speaking countries teach 7.

A 4GB ebook reader filled with 3,500 ebooks weighs a billionth of a billionth of a gram more than if it were empty of data - a difference that is approximately the same weight as a molecule of DNA. The same number of physical books would weigh about two tons.

The United Kingdom has a powerstation that's primary function is to deal with the power demand spike caused by people switching on their kettles during TV ad breaks.

France was the first country to introduce the vehicle license plate.

The U.N. formally recognizes 195 countries. Out of 195 countries, ~1/5th of the world population lives in only one country: China.

UNESCO lists Japanese forced labor camps as world heritage sites.

After six months on the International Space Station, astronauts are .0007 seconds younger than people on Earth.

Indian Railways carry more than 25 million passengers every day, more than the entire population of Australia.

It takes 90 minutes to make a single Oreo cookie and each cookie has 90 ridges.

More than 20% of the world’s biggest pop stars over the past five decades were born in just two cities: New York (14%) and London (7%).

Starbucks employees are asked not to wear perfume so that customers can smell the coffee brewing.

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