Thursday, June 25, 2015

Worth Reading..!!

1) People come and go, even your closest of friends. They might even forget who you are after a while. Sometimes you just have to learn to let go.

2) Hard work, CORRECT practice and perseverance really makes you going places (There is no point of working hard if you are practicing the wrong things and expecting different results).

3) Often, your bad moments really expose who your true and false friends are. When you have discerned who your true friends are, treasure them. Itis better to have a few quality friends than a lot of superficial ones.

4) We tend to be very worried at what other people think of us although most of the time they are too busy running their own journey. Stop overthinking about what others think of you and just live your life happily.

5) There will always be people who criticize you no matter how hard you have worked. Ignore the haters and negative critics (not constructive critics, in fact their opinions are the ones you must listen to). You can never satisfy everyone around you in life, so as long as you have done your very best, that is all that matters.

6) No matter what mistakes you have made, your family will always be behind your back to support you. Cherish your time and moments with them.

7) Love. This is not necessarily in the romantic sense. Simply giving love to others around you (even those you hate) without expecting anything in return is a virtue, since love takes a lot of sacrifice and energy. Sure it will hurt at times, but to have never loved is simply to have never lived.

8) Follow your dreams, but have a balance between your passion and security.

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