Wednesday, January 21, 2015

True Facts..!!

A large asteroid will fly by Earth on January 26, passing at a range of about 1.2 million kilometres, about three times the distance between the Earth and the moon. It will be the asteroid's closest approach to Earth for the next 200 years, according to NASA scientists.

The U.S. spends more money per person on healthcare than any other country, yet its life expectancy is below average.

You can sharpen dull scissors by cutting into aluminum foil a few times.

In Italy, there are about 500,000 exorcisms a year.

It would take a minimum wage worker in India six hours to earn enough money for a Big Mac.

About 2% of the population are considered "sleepless elite" which means they are night owls and early birds simultaneously.

Scientists have developed chopsticks that test your food to make sure it's ok to eat.

PayPal once accidentally credited a man with $92 quadrillion dollars.

The last picture taken of John Lennon while he was alive had his killer in the frame.

Smelling, not eating, green apples can help you lose weight.

There are towns in France where it is illegal to die.

Student loans have hit a record high of $1.2 trillion in the U.S — the same size as the entire economy of South Korea.

62% of people are regularly angry at God – Those most likely to be angry were women, young people, and highly educated people.

The most common reason people abandon their religious affiliations is because of their college education.

Joining social groups where you learn something (like photography or quilting) preserves cognitive function and boosts brain power.

If you stood on the surface of Mars with no spacesuit, you would pass out in 30 seconds and be dead in a minute.

People who often feel guilty tend to be the hardest workers.

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