Thursday, January 22, 2015

Have A Safe Driving..!!

1. Keep your doors locked, safety belts buckled and children safe and secure in properly installed safety seats.

2. Don’t let your fuel tank fall below 1/3 tank.

3. Stay on main roads and highways – and don’t forget your GPS or mapping tools.

4. Pack a flashlight, blanket and first-aid kit. In cold climates, pack extra warm clothing.

5. If you are going on a long trip, pack an emergency ration kit of water and non-perishable food items such as fruit or granola bars.

6. When stopping for breaks, never let children go to the restroom alone. Always lock vehicle doors, even if you’ll only be gone for a few minutes.

7. Carry a mobile phone in case of emergencies.

8. Do not stop to help a disabled vehicle. Instead, call for help from your mobile phone or a pay phone.

9. If stopping during night time travel, choose a well lit and populated facility. Park where your vehicle can be seen.

10. If approached by someone while your vehicle is stopped, keep your doors locked and only roll your window down enough to hear what the person is saying.

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