Thursday, September 11, 2014

Effort makes it easy !!

‘Some individuals dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.’

 It seems like a contradiction - the harder you work, the easier life becomes. Good luck comes to those who don't depend on luck.

Hard work is the easy way out. If you try to avoid effort, life gets more and more difficult. Instead, choose to make a difference, to make a contribution, and you'll find fulfillment and abundance.

Each moment is an opportunity to improve the quality of your life. You are capable of taking on challenges, overcoming obstacles, and achieving great things. But only when you make the effort.
Work each day to fulfill the potential that is your life. The challenges will come whether you face them or not. They can help you grow, or they can bring you down. Choose to make the effort. Choose to make your own good luck. Choose to take the actions that lead to success and accomplishment.

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