Friday, April 18, 2014

Nice Facts..!!

Forgetting is good for the brain: deleting unnecessary information helps the nervous system retain its plasticity.

When you fall asleep while over thinking, the mind remains active as if you were awake which is why you tend to wake up tired.

Scientists believe homework for young children & teens is a waste of time & energy.

Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your gratitude when you have everything.

Women with higher IQs have the hardest time finding a mate. Intelligent women would rather remain single than be with the wrong person.

Scientists say, The reason why people believe "Money can't buy happiness" is because they're not spending it right.

There is a park in Arkansas USA called the Crater of Diamonds that lets you keep any naturally occurring diamond you find.

Feelings of anger and sadness are both processed in the same region of the brain which is why people confuse them.

Sympathy is feeling pity for someone without getting too involved. Empathy is understanding and sharing how they're feeling.

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