Sunday, October 29, 2017

Facts of the day..!!

In 1986, 12 members of a Florida jury got stuck in the courthouse elevator for 20 minutes. The jurors were hearing a case against the Otis elevator company.

People leave pennies on John Wilkes Booth’s grave to give Lincoln the last word.

The recipe for Tootsie Rolls calls for the previous day’s batch to be mixed in with the new batch each day. Theoretically, this means there are a bit of the very first Tootsie Rolls in every new roll made today. They were created in 1907.

The last words of serial killer Peter Kürten were “Tell me… after my head is chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be the pleasure to end all pleasures.”

Larry Fine of the Three Stooges burned his arm with acid as a child. His parents gave him violin lessons to strengthen the damaged nerves. He became so proficient on the violin that his parents planned to send him to a European music conservatory but the plan was thwarted by World War I.

There are an estimated 550 wild parrots living in NYC that were accidentally released from a shipment at JFK airport in the late 60s.

A woman crashed her own funeral after her husband hired hitmen to kill her. They let her go, telling her they didn’t believe in killing women. Five days later she appeared at her own funeral, with her husband pleading for forgiveness.

Chris Farley was originally the Voice of Shrek and had recorded 85% of his lines before he passed away.

Green screens are green because it doesn’t match any natural skin tone of the actor so no part of them will be accidentally edited out.

Rob Gronkowski lives off of his endorsement money and hasn’t spent a dime of his NFL Contract.

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