Saturday, September 30, 2017

Greenland and Australia:

Greenland, Narsarsuaq, town by icebergs, august

Is Greenland a Continent? Why is Australia a Continent?

Why is Australia a continent and Greenland is not? The definition of a continent varies, so the number of continents varies between five and seven continents. Generally, a continent is one of the major land masses on earth. However, in every accepted definition of continents, Australia is always included as a continent (or is part of an "Oceania" continent) and Greenland is never included.
While that definition might not hold water for some people, there is no official globally recognized definition of a continent.
Just as some seas are called seas and others are called gulfs or bays, continents generally refer to the major land masses of earth.
Even though Australia is the smallest of the accepted continents, Australia is still more than 3.5 times larger than Greenland. There has to be a line in the sand between the small continent and the world's largest island and traditionally that line exists between Australia and Greenland.
Besides size and tradition, one can make the argument geologically. Geologically, Australia lies on its own major tectonic plate while Greenland is part of the North American plate.
Locally, residents of Greenland consider themselves islanders while many in Australia see their county as a continent. Even though the world lacks official definitions a continent, it should be concluded that Australia is a continent and Greenland is an island.
On a related note, I will here state my objection to including Australia as part of a "continent" of Oceania.
Continents are land masses, not regions. It is completely appropriate to divide the planet into regions (and, in fact, this is quite preferable to dividing the world into continents), regions make better sense than continents and they can be standardized.

Friday, September 29, 2017

A List of 30 Common Word Roots in English:

The root is the heart of the word, the element from which other words may be constructed. ... What are the roots of these words: running, unlivable, happiness? Did you say run, live, and happy? These roots are called free morphemes. When you strip off the affixes, what is left (with slight spelling modifications) are words that can exist on their own.

In English grammar, a root is a word or word part from which other words grow, usually through the addition of prefixes and suffixes.
The root of the word vocabulary, for example, is voc, a Latin root meaning "word" or "name." This root also appears in the words advocacy, convocation, evocative, vocal, vociferous, and vowel.
Understanding the meanings of the common word roots can help us deduce the meanings of new words that we encounter. But be careful: root words can have more than one meaning and various shades of meaning. In addition, words that look similar may derive from different roots. So when you meet up with a new word, be sure to rely on a dictionary to check its definition.
The table below defines and illustrates 30 of the most common Greek and Latin roots. (The letter in parentheses indicates whether the root word is Greek (G) or Latin (L).)


-ast(er)-(G)starasteroid, astronomy, astronaut, asterisk
-audi- (L)hearaudible, audience, auditory, auditorium 
-auto- (G)selfautomatic, automate, autobiography, autograph
-bene- (L)goodbenefit, benign, benefactor, benevolent
-bio- (G)lifebiography, biology, biodegradable, symbiotic
-chrono- (G)timechronic, synchronize, chronicle, chronology
-dict- (L)saydictate, diction, edict, dictionary, addict
-duc- (L)lead, makededuce, produce, educator, conducive
-gen- (L)give birthgene, generate, generous, generation
-geo- (G)earthgeography, geology, geometry, geopolitics
-graph- (G)writeautograph, graphic, epigraph, demographic 
-jur-, -jus- (L)lawjury, justice, adjure, conjurer, justification
-log-, -logue- (L)thoughtlogic, obloquy, apology, dialogue, analogy
-luc-, -lum- (L)lightlucid, translucent, illuminate, elucidate
-man(u)- (L)handmanual, manure, manicure, manipulate
-mand-, -mend- (L)orderdemand, recommend, remand, mandatory
-mis-, -mit- (L)sendmissile, transmission, emit, submit, permit
-omni- (L)allomnivorous, omnipotence, omniscient
-path- (G)feelempathy, pathetic, apathy, pathos, antipathy
-phil- (G)lovephilosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy
-phon- (G)soundphonics, telephone, euphony, microphone
-photo- (G)lightphotograph, photon, photocopy, photogenic
-port- (L)carryexport, portable, rapport, deport, important
-qui(t)- (L)quiet, restacquit, tranquil, requiem, quiescent
-scrib-, -script- (L)writeascribe, script, describe, transcribe, proscribe
-sens-, -sent- (L)feelresent, sensitive, sentence, sentient
-tele- (G)far offtelecast, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy
-terr- (L)earthterrain, territory, extraterrestrial, terrace
-vac- (L)emptyevacuate, vacate, vacancy, vacuous
-vid-, -vis- (L)seevisible, video, envisage, invisible, revision

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

4 Signs Someone Is Suffering From Emotional Distress:

Modern society is a sea of drama. From real dramas that play out, sometimes in real time, across the news/twitter/podcasts or just with family to fake dramas on the television or at the movies, we are saturated in things that push our emotional buttons. There is drama all over social media. Then, there are close to home dramas of work stress, deadlines, children, and family. We are like the frog that is slowly boiling to death in a pot whose temperature is rising so slowly the frog does not notice it until it is dead. The people around us notice when we start getting short with people, drag around work or home with little energy, and bite people’s heads off for no apparent reason.



Most of us deal with the daily drama by trying to escape into books, video games, sports or music. When you are emotionally distressed, you spend more and more time in these fantasies as a way to escape the reality lurking just outside. We just want to relax on a beach with a cold drink in our hand. When life beats us down, we want to run for our life.
What you need to do is turn around and push through it. This seems counterintuitive, but you cannot run from your problems or the drama in your life forever. Face them down one by one. Eliminate that drama from your life through solving the underlying problem or removing the drama from your life. Change jobs to something less stressful or more enjoyable, stop hanging out with that friend who generates drama constantly or asks for help in reducing the stress in your life. Don’t let circumstances dictate your response. Take back control of your life. You are the master of your fate; you are the captain of your soul.


Yes, we get very snippy when we are stressed. We have zero patience for people and their BS. We want to be done with work/school/commitments right freakin’ now. We are done. So done with this. Everyone can see that you are frazzled and stressed out.
So, take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds and let everything that is bugging you the hell go. Just let it go. Let’s face it. The things that are stressing you out are not going to be fixed right away. This isn’t a marathon. It is a siege, months or years of slowly grinding through the enemy defenses until you can storm in and achieve your goal. So, settle in for the long wait while you chip away at your stress. This isn’t a struggle for miles, but for inches. Fight for every single inch. Claw and crawl towards your goal an inch at a time. Don’t give up. Don’t waste valuable energy blasting everyone around you with your frustration. Be patient and keep moving forward. One inch at a time.


Chronic stress and drama can drain your mental, physical and emotional energy. It zaps the will. You feel trapped in a tarpit surrounded by other folks who are also desperately trying to free themselves from the trap. The more furious your struggle against it, the quicker you will tire out and the further you will sink into the pit. At this point, there are two ways this could go: You can lay down and quit or…
You can get up and fight like hell. Yeah, you are tired and stressed. So is everyone else. If you need to recharge your batteries, then go do something to relieve that stress. Turn up the Rocky training montage and hit the gym, go for a hike, or go dancing. Get the blood pumping and the endorphins flowing. Remind yourself that you are alive and vibrant and full of power. Do this even when all you want to do is collapse on the couch. A body in motion stays in motion. Staying in motion is the very definition of being alive.


Anger, bitterness, jealousy, and frustration will bubble to the surface much more easily and quickly when you are emotionally distressed. The barriers between your negative emotions and the rest of the world are weakened by the stress and drama. Those emotions also escalate much faster and with more power as we lack the energy to hold them in check. People that are under stress will lash out with a vehemence that most people were unaware they possess. Inside everyone lurks a primal beast. Most of us keep that beast caged and starve it into submission. It feeds on negative emotions, and the more you have, the more powerful it becomes.
So, how do we rob this beast of its power? Well, you take it for a walk. Do something constructively destructive. Go do a few rounds on the heavy bag. Chop up that tree in the backyard that needs to be turned into firewood. Sign up for Habitat for Humanity and get in on some demolition work before a remodel gets going. You have a couch that needs to go in the trash? Chop that sucker up into little pieces out in the backyard so that it will fit in the trash can. Scream your frustrations to the sky. When the beast is too tired to fight back any longer, then you stuff it back into its cage. Take control of your life again. Take control of your emotions again. Wear that beast out like a Matador wearing down a bull. When it is good and tired, you finish it off and move on with your life.
You are not a victim of life, or of circumstance unless you let yourself be a victim. You are in control of your actions and you are in control of your emotional state. Emotional distress and stress, in general, is a dragon in your life. You can lay down and let yourself be eaten, you can slay that sucker or you can grab a saddle, wrestle it into submission and ride that armored fire-worm into the sunset like a total bad-ass. It is all up to you.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Stop Overthinking...!!


“Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.” 

In many ways, the uncontrolled mind resembles a five-year-old child wanting to run amok through the city streets, only able to sit still for a few seconds before getting the urge to jump up again. If you allow your brain to continuously run a mile a minute without ever interjecting, it will only press on with the madness until you discover that your mind has slowly become a prison.
However, you can actually free your mind, even if it seems impossible in the beginning. Humans are very adaptable creatures, and pick up on new habits throughout their lives. So, in this way, our brains become rewired because we have installed a new operating system in our minds: chaos. To create a peaceful mind, you just need to revert back to your original nature of harmony and balance. Sound difficult? Well, here are some effective techniques to help you regain control of your mind again.


In short, we have collectively created the mass disorder and confusion we observe around us on a daily basis with our thoughts. We have all allowed negative thinking to prevail for many millennia, so the physical world is merely a product of our thoughts. By simply shifting your focus to what makes you happy, or what you’re thankful for, you can start to retrain your mind to think more positively. Consequently, you will start to feel more peaceful since you no longer put so much emphasis on the negativity you perceive within yourself and elsewhere.
Remember, energy flows where attention goes – you can achieve peace by creating awareness behind your thoughts.


Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe? Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your thoughts center around what you have to do today, or what someone said that made you angry or even degrading thoughts about yourself. Don’t feel bad, though; with so much negativity around us, maintaining a consistent positive mindset isn’t always easy. However, you can actually counter the negative, stress-inducing thoughts with simple, peaceful words.
Anytime you feel a bout of anxiety coming on, introduce calming words into your awareness, such as Tranquil. Calm. Peaceful. Serenity. Light. Love. Relaxing. Breeze. Beach. The last two words in the sequence describe scenery, which you can do as well if it makes you feel peaceful. Words carry a lot of meaning and power, so use them to your advantage whenever you feel stressed out.


We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason. When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second, and instead move into a space where stillness takes precedence. While you don’t have to turn off your brain to meditate, many people feel that their thoughts slow down incredibly, and they can observe themselves much easier with controlled breaths and closed eyes. Meditation simply brings awareness into the body and makes it much easier to cope with daily challenges.
If you want to cultivate more peace in your mind and life, start meditating, or sitting quietly focusing on nothing but your breath for at least ten minutes a day on a daily basis. You will find that adopting a more peaceful mindset becomes much more attainable.


Forget about the errands you have to run tomorrow after work, or the bills you have to pay next week, or the uncertainty of your future that you haven’t even gotten to yet. When you let thoughts like these ruminate, it can cause great dis-ease within the body, and even lead to anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other serious problems. Most anxiety is caused by simply living in a time other than the one we have right now, so bring yourself back to the present whenever you feel your thoughts taking you elsewhere.
By allowing yourself to flow from one moment to the next, just as you did as a child, you will recapture what it means to feel true peace.


This could mean going on your lunch break in a nearby park or going on a vacation to get away from the stress of daily life. Anything you can do to strengthen your bond with nature will greatly benefit your mind, and help you remember that we create most stress we feel in our mind and body. We originated in a place of pure harmony, and most of what we see around us is just a very persistent illusion. Remember that nature doesn’t struggle through life, and you don’t have to, either. Don’t get too caught up with the trivial matters of the material world, because you won’t find peace in numbers or possessions.
Truthfully, peace resides within your heart already, but Mother Earth can help you remember this by providing solace from the strains of modern society.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Moles On Your Body Tell A Lot About Your Life:

Image result for what is temple and what does a mole on your temple mean
People have moles in different parts of their bodies. Some of them are almost invisible, some attract people’s attention and even become a unique feature. It turns out every birthmark has its own meaning. And it is very important where they are located. Moles on your body can tell a lot about your life. Here are some secrets.

1.A mole near your temple

This nevus shows that you like to explore new places. If you have not traveled, you will be in your near future. Or maybe you traveled a lot in the past. You don’t lose opportunities to visit different countries when you have business trips. According to the Chinese astrology, you are focused, so you are perfect in wherever you do.

2. A mole in the middle of the forehead

It means you are very good at your job. You have a promising career. Even if you don’t like your current work, just wait for a better opportunity. If you find yourself, you will succeed!

3. A mole around or below your eyebrow

This mole demonstrates that you love your family and home. They are the most important thing for you! You always know what to say to support your relatives, that’s why they appreciate you. You like to spend time with your family. It makes you happy. This birthmark also means that you are a natural leader. If your mole is hidden in your eyebrow, it promises a hidden treasure.

4. A mole at the corners of your mouth

You love to buy beautiful things, so it is very important to you to have enough money. You tend to be materialistic. One day you will need to think about your priorities because money cannot buy happiness.

5. A mole on your cheek

It can have different meanings. If your mole is closer to your jaw, you are a real leader. If the mole is in the middle of your cheek, it represents wealth. The mole close to your lips means you are lonely. In every case, you can change the situation.

6. A mole in the palm of your hand

This mole demonstrates your financial responsibility. You know how to spend money and how to save it. You know that hard work is the best solution to every problem.

7. A mole on the outside of your hand

It means you have good skills in management. You are a natural leader, you always know what to do in every situation. You are confident enough to share your experience with others. People trust you so you can be a good teacher.

8. A mole at the bottom of your feet

You always need to change your location. It is necessary for you to travel a lot. You are an open-minded person, you have no boundaries. Use every opportunity to see new places. It will make you happy.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Understanding Solstices and Equinoxes:

Stonehenge, near Salisbury, Great Britain
Imagine you had no watch or mobile phone or clock or calendar where you lived. How would you tell time? Know what time of year it is? It could be tough unless you had a way to simply look around you and tell time by the objects you could see.
That's the way that prehistoric people lived. They used the sky as a timekeeper and calendar. In some places, such as Stonehenge (in England), they built monuments to track the motions they saw in the sky.
The rhythms of the Sun's apparent motions determine how life on Earth behaves. We say "apparent" because it isn't really the Sun that's moving. It appears to because Earth is turning on its axis, like a merry-go-round. As we spin around, we see the Sun appear to rise and set. 
The Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west, as do the Moon, planets, and stars. The period from one sunrise to the next is just over 24 hours. The Moon shows us changes in its appearance (called phases) according to a cycle of roughly 28 days, which is the basis of our month. 
If you watch the sunrise and sunset each day (and remember never to look directly AT our hot, bright Sun), you'll see its rise and set points change throughout the year. Notice also that the Sun's position in the sky at noon is farther north at some times of year and more southerly at other times.
The sunrise, sunset, and zenith points slide slowly to the north from December 21-22 to June 20-21 each year. Then, they appear to pause before starting the slow daily slide toward the south, from June 20-21st (the northernmost point) to December 21-22 (the southernmost point).
Those "stopping points" are called the solstices (from the Latin sol, which means "sun", and sistere, which means "stand still".
Essentially, early observers noticed that the Sun appeared to stand still at its northernmost and southernmost points, before resuming its apparent motion south and north (respectively).
Summer solstice is the longest day of the year for each hemisphere. For northern hemisphere observers, the June solstice (the 20th or 21st), marks the beginning of summer. In the southern hemisphere, that's the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of winter.
Six months later, on December 21st or 22nd, winter begins with the shortest day of the year for northern hemisphere people and the start of summer and the longest day of the year for people south of the equator. 
Equinoxes are also connected to this slow change of apparent solar position. The term "equinox" comes from two Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night). The Sun rises and sets exactly due east and due west on the equinoxes, and day and night are of equal length. In the northern hemisphere, the March equinox marks the first day of spring, while it's the first day of autumn in the southern hemisphere. The September equinox is the first day of fall in the north and the first day of spring in the south. 
So, the solstices and equinoxes are important calendar points that come to us from the apparent position of the Sun in our sky.
They are also intimately connected to the seasons but are not the sole reason why we have seasons. The reasons for the seasons are linked to Earth's tilt and its position as it orbits the Sun. 
Take a moment each day to observe the sky; notice sunrise or sunset and mark where those occur along your horizon. After a few weeks, you'll see a very distinct shift of the positions north or south. It's a great long-term science activity for anyone to do, and has been the subject of more than a few science fair projects!

Thursday, September 21, 2017



Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to cont…rol emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them ALL.


Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.


Drop dead gorgeous!!! Attractive personality. Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Chatterbox! Loves to talk a lot! Loves to get their way!. Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others. Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heart-breaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! and quiet the charmer. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns the kindness. The best in bed out of the other 11 months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.likes to keep their crushes kinda secret. pretty much flawless.


Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling. Systematic..


Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually, you have many friends. Enjoys making love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.


Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very popular. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes-rep pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.


You’ve got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner, a wicked hottie. Like somebody with a JUNE birthday. It is also more likely than that you have a massive record collection. When it comes to films, you know how to pick them and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself – heck, you’ve got the looks for it!!!


outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. Self-control. kind hearted. Self-confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of “that someone”. longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by “no pain no gain” caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. “charming” or “beautiful” to everyone. stubborn. curious.. independent. strong-willed. a fighter.


Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Great in bed. Inner and physical beauty. Doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. A meaningful love life partner. Makes right choices. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Does not harm others. It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt and hard to recover. Daydreamer and does fulfill. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Knows what to do, to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you. Extremely smart, but definitely the most adorable of them all.


Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at Times. Knows how to have fun. Very mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.


Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High-spirited.


This straight-up means your the most good-looking Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Loves freedom. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High-spirited.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Irregular Verbs in English:

Although fewer than 200 verbs are classified as "irregular," these include some of the most common words in English. Here, after briefly reviewing regular verbs, we'll look at the principal parts of irregular verbs.


Regular verbs have three basic forms: the present (or base form), the past (ending in -ed), and the past participle (also ending in -ed). These three forms are referred to as the principal parts of a verb.
Here's how we might list the principal parts of the regular verb laugh:
  • I always laugh at her jokes. (present)
  • She laughed nervously during her speech. (past)
  • We have often laughed together. (past participle)
The past participle form works with different auxiliary verbs (has or havehad) to form different tenses. (See Forming the Past Tense of Regular Verbs.)


Irregular verbs are those verbs that do not end in -ed in the past tense. Though their endings differ from those of regular verbs, irregular verbs rely on the same auxiliary verbs (also called helping verbs) to indicate past, present, and future time.


Irregular verbs have three principal parts:
  • tell a joke. (present)
  • told a joke. (past)
  • I have told a joke. (past participle)
Some irregular verbs, such as tell, have the same form in the past and the past participle. Others, however, have different forms:
  • wear a cap. (present)
  • wore a cap. (past)
  • I have worn a cap. (past participle)
With irregular verbs such as wear, we need to learn the different forms of the past and the past participle.


Just like regular verbs, irregular verbs are used with various auxiliaries to form different tenses.
For instance, we use has or have with the past participle of an irregular verb to form the present-perfect tense:
  • Tom has worn out his welcome.
Similarly, we use had with the past participle of an irregular verb to form the past perfect tense:
  • had never worn a seat belt before you told me why I should.
And we use will with the present form of an irregular verb to form the future tense:
  • will wear a seat belt from now on.
In short, irregular verbs work the same way as regular verbs; they just have different endings.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Common Latin Abbreviations Used in English:

In this list of common Latin abbreviations, you'll find what they stand for and how they're used. The first list is alphabetical, but the definitions that follow are linked thematically. For instance, p.m. follows a.m. 

A.D. stands for Anno Domini 'in the year of our Lord' and refers to events after the birth of Christ. It is used as part of a pair with B.C. Here is an example:
  • The standard date given for the fall of Rome is A.D. 476. The start date of Rome is, traditionally, 753 B.C. More politically correct are the terms C.E. for the current era and B.C.E. for the other.
A.D. traditionally precedes the date, but this is changing.


A.M. stands for ante meridiem and is sometimes abbreviated a.m. or am. A.M. means before noon and refers to morning. It starts just after midnight.


P.M. stands for post meridiem and is sometimes abbreviated p.m. or pm. P.M. refers to afternoon and evening. P.M. starts just after noon.


The very familiar Latin abbreviation etc. stands for et cetera 'and the rest' or 'and so forth'. In English, we use the word etcetera or et cetera without necessarily being aware it is actually Latin.


If you want to say 'for example,' you would use 'e.g.' Here is an example:
  • Some of the Julio-Claudian emperors, e.g., Caligula, were said to be insane.


If you want to say 'that is,' you would use 'i.e.' Here is an example:
  • The last of the Julio-Claudians, i.e., Nero....



Ibid., from ibidem means 'the same' or 'in the same place.' You would use ibid.
to refer to the same author and work (e.g., book, HTML page, or journal article) as the one immediately preceding.


Op. cit. comes from the Latin opus citatum or opere citato 'work cited.' Op. cit. is used when ibid. is inappropriate because the immediately preceding work is not the same. You would only use op.cit. if you have already cited the work in question.


To refer to a certain page or passage and those that follow it, you may find the abbreviation 'et seq.' This abbreviation ends in a period.


The abbreviation sc. or scil. means 'namely'. Wikipedia says it is in the process of being replaced by i.e.


You would use q.v. if you wanted to make reference to something elsewhere in your paper; while c.f. would be more appropriate for a comparison with an outside work.

Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...