Friday, May 27, 2016

Interesting Facts..!!

After Tesla unveiled the Model 3, over 115,000 were ordered in 24 hours—nearly three times the number of cars Tesla produced in all of 2015.

China's government fabricates about 488 million social media comments a year to distract its citizens from bad news and political debates.

5,000 years ago, watermelons were pale-green and bitter. As watermelons were bred to become sweeter, their flesh slowly changed to red.

In a new study, 18% of drivers said they "cannot resist the urge" to send or check messages while driving.

Versions of Rock, Paper, Scissors originated in China as far back as 1600 before spreading to Japan, where the game was called Jon Ken Pon.

Sir Isaac Newton was a member of parliament in the UK, but his only contribution to the debates was to request the window to be closed because of a cold draught.

There is a Chinese farming village 'Ganxi Dong' where everybody knows kung fu.

Australians have the highest rate of gambling in the world.

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