Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Good to cry and release the stress within. We have tears of joy, tears in pain, tears of sadness, tears when worried..... etc.. So its only for a moment. Not life long crying.

True Indeed..!!

No More Self Doubt..!!

You may have heard from some so-called friends that what you have been striving for is not within your reach. Have you ever heard words like these or maybe they have come to you from supervisors through their annual review of your work performance. The question is, do you believe them and alter your dreams or goals? 

Throughout the centuries, so-called significant or important people have told people of various walks of life, that they have no chance to succeed. In a lot of cases, many people cower from these kind of comments and start to believe that they cannot succeed, or that they do not have the intelligence or where with all to accomplish a goal or a dream. 

If you choose to believe these types of comments, you are engaging in what is often called a self-fulfilling prophecy, or, in other words, you start to believe what others say about you. If you do adopt as real or true what others have said about you, this means you have given control of your life, your destiny, to the opinions, thoughts and failings of others. 

"You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life." 

Two years ago, I happened to meet a lady at a local craft market who wanted to branch out further in her life by starting to expand her own, small home business. She worked daily for a group home as a day provider but wanted to establish better control of her destiny. She was hesitant to go it alone, afraid that she wouldn't be able to make enough money to quit her boring day job. Her biggest challenge to succeed was not her ability; it was her belief in herself. 

For her, most of her friends and acquaintances doubted her ability to be a business owner, or suggested to her that she should just forget about her business idea and keep her job telling her that jobs were hard to come by. Fortunately for her, though, she did not want to totally give up her idea. And, while she continued to have nagging doubts about what she really wanted to do, her goal was totally supported by a new business acquaintance. 

Her business acquaintance gave her encouragement, made time available whenever she needed questions or suggestions, or just to talk about business issues. And, though she had all the right plans and ability to succeed, she remained her own worse obstacle. The good news is that she continued even though struggling with self-doubt but persevered and quit her day job to go it alone last year. 

What she conquered was more than issues around developing her business; she conquered her own apprehension, her own self-doubt. She succeeded because she did not listen to the naysayers; she succeeded because she overcame the greatest obstacle - her own belief in herself.

Awesome Concept..!!

7 Hours in one Image.


Japan’s ‘invisible’ train, using a semi-reflective mirrored exterior, could be in use by 2018.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Choose your ECHO..!!

A man and his son were walking in the forest.  Suddenly the boy tripped and, feeling a sharp pain, he screams "AHHHH!"

Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, "AHHHH!"

Filled with curiosity, he screams: "Who are you?", but the only answer he receives is, "Who are you?"

This makes him angry, so he shouts, "You are a coward!" and the voice answers "You are a coward!"

He looks at his father and asks "Dad what's going on?"

"Son," the man replies, "pay attention."

Then he screams, "I admire you!"  The voice answers, "I admire you!"

The father shouts, "you are wonderful!" and the voice answers, "you are wonderful!"

The boy is surprised but still can't understand what is going on.

The father explains, "People call this an ECHO, but truly it is LIFE.  Life always gives you back what you give out. Life is a mirror of your actions.

If you want more love, give more love. If you want more kindness, give more kindness. If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect. If you want people to be patient with you, then be patient with them.

This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives.

Life always gives you back what you give out...

Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.

Choose your ECHO..!!

Keep Smiling. 


This is the role plants play in keeping the soil intact and filtering impurities.


Pink sand beach of the Bahamas.


The Edgewalk on the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada.

Friday, May 27, 2016


Japan keeps a defunct Train station running for just one, yes one Girl, so that she can attend school everyday! The train makes only two stops-one when a lone high-school student leaves for school and the other when she returns.


A concept plane has been designed that has no windows, but wraparound screens to show what’s outside.

Interesting Facts..!!

After Tesla unveiled the Model 3, over 115,000 were ordered in 24 hours—nearly three times the number of cars Tesla produced in all of 2015.

China's government fabricates about 488 million social media comments a year to distract its citizens from bad news and political debates.

5,000 years ago, watermelons were pale-green and bitter. As watermelons were bred to become sweeter, their flesh slowly changed to red.

In a new study, 18% of drivers said they "cannot resist the urge" to send or check messages while driving.

Versions of Rock, Paper, Scissors originated in China as far back as 1600 before spreading to Japan, where the game was called Jon Ken Pon.

Sir Isaac Newton was a member of parliament in the UK, but his only contribution to the debates was to request the window to be closed because of a cold draught.

There is a Chinese farming village 'Ganxi Dong' where everybody knows kung fu.

Australians have the highest rate of gambling in the world.

Boating and Thread Garden, Ooty.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Rose Garden, Ooty..!!

It consists of 1919 varieties of roses. Just Awesome..!!

என்னைக்கவர்ந்த பகிர்வு..!!

நான் நல்லவன் என்பதற்கு சாட்சி, நான் செய்த எந்தத் தவறுக்கும் சாட்சி இல்லை என்பதே.

ஓர் உயிருக்கு இன்னொரு உயிரை உணவாகப் படைத்த கடவுளிடமிருந்து என்ன விதமான கருணையை எதிர் பார்க்கிறீர்கள்?

கடைசியில் இது சரியாகும் என்று நம்புங்கள். சரியாகாவிட்டால் இது கடைசி இல்லை என்று நம்புங்கள்.

ஆசையை கட்டுப்படுத்த புத்தனாக பிறக்கத் தேவையில்லை. நடுத்தர குடும்பத்தில் ஆணாக பிறத்தலே போதுமானதாகிறது.

சீதையின் தீக்குளிப்பில் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது இராவணனின் கற்பு.

வெள்ளி இரவுப் பேருந்துகள் கனவுகளையும், ஞாயிறு இரவுப் பேருந்துகள் நினைவுகளையும் சுமந்து செல்கின்றன.

வாழ்ந்து முடித்த கோழியும் வாழ வேண்டிய முட்டையும் ஒரே தட்டில் செத்துக் கிடப்பதையே பிரியாணி என்கிறோம்.

ஒரு நாளைக்கு ஐந்து டிரெஸ் மாற்ற வேண்டுமானால் பணக்காரனாக இருக்க வேண்டிய அவசியமில்லை, கைக்குழந்தையாக இருந்தாலே போதும்.

உயிர் மட்டுமே உலகின் சிறந்த வாசனைப் பொருள். அது இல்லையேல் உடல் நாற்றமெடுக்கும்.

ஏமாற்றங்கள் பழகிவிட்டன. இந்த முறை அதில் என்ன புதுமை இருக்கப் போகிறது என்ற ஆவல் தான் அதிகமாக எதிர்பார்க்க வைக்கிறது.

உலகத்தின் குறைகளை எல்லாம் கண்டு பிடிக்கும் சிலருக்கு தன் குறைகள் மட்டும் தெரியாமல் போவதற்கு பெயர் தான் சுயநலம்.

நெருக்கமானவர்களிடம் நாம் நம்பி சொன்ன வார்த்தைகளை மூன்றாம் மனிதர் வாயால் கேட்கையில் அவமானப்படுகிறது நம் நம்பிக்கை.

கழன்று விழும் வரை சிலரது முகமூடிகளை முகம் என்றே நம்பித் தொலைக்கிறோம்.

Quotes of the Day..!!


Book 08: A Thousand Pieces of You By Claudia Gray

A very interesting book about traveling across universes to catch the person who was suspected as a killer of Meg’s father. Every chapter en...