Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Interesting Facts..!!

The invention of tea bags was an accident. Tea was meant to be removed from the bags before being used, but no one made that clear.

When you sneeze, air and particles travel through the nostrils at speeds over 100 mph.

Scientists are working on bio luminescent trees. By merging the light producing compound found in jellyfish with plants, the team envisions illuminating city streets with trees that glow at night.

The small plastic sheath on the end of a shoelace is called an "aglet".

There is a man made satellite orbiting Earth, that is expected to come back down in 8.4 million years, carrying maps of today's Earth.

Earth isn't perfectly round: It's slightly wider at the equator.

Strawberry is the only fruit with the seeds on the outside. Each seed is technically a separate fruit that has a seed inside of it.

There are 17 people alive today who were born in the 1800s - 16 of them are female.

Astronomers have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting star near the Milky Way.

Ketchup was considered to be a medicine around 1835 and was sold as tomato pills.

The Walt Disney World is actually larger than 17 countries.

The plural, gender-neutral term for "nieces and nephews" is "niblings."

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