Wednesday, August 12, 2015

True Facts..!!

"Courtesy says you must never ask a woman her age and Man his salary" Do you know why? have you ever thought about it. Well here is a beautiful insight...It is wrong to ask a woman her age because she hardly ever lives for herself..!! And it is wrong to ask a man his salary because he hardly ever spends on himself.

Thailand's government has developed a robot that can recognize inauthentic Thai food.

The first Kindle style e-reader was invented in 1949.

Shakuntala Devi, who is known as the human calculator, was asked to give the 23rd root of a 201-digit number; she answered in 50 seconds. On 18 June 1980, she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers — 7,686,369,774,870 × 2,465,099,745,779, She correctly answered 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730 in 28 seconds.

Monaco is the smallest permanently inhabited nation in the world, it is smaller than New York's Central Park.

India-born Sundar Pichai has been named the new CEO of Google.

When McDonald's first introduced drive-throughs to China, the concept was so foreign that many people would pick up their food through the drive-thru, park their cars, and bring the food inside the restaurant to eat it.

Russia has a vast diamond field containing "trillions of carats", enough to supply global markets for another 3000 years. The field was discovered in the 1970s underneath 35 million year-old asteroid crater in Siberia.

2,000-year-old seeds were discovered in 1963 inside an ancient jar in Israel. They were planted in 2005 and a tree that had been extinct for over 1800 years sprouted.

The national anthem of Greece and Cyprus is the longest national anthem in the world by length of text with 158 stanzas.

Before creating the iPhone, Apple considered making a car.

All of the following dates in 2015 fall on a Saturday: 4/4/2015, 6/6/2015, 8/8/2015, 10/10/2015, 12/12/2015.

In Japan, there's a train that floats above the tracks by magnetism, reaching 500 km/h (311 mph).

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