Monday, May 11, 2015


1: You can skip a YouTube add by just changing 'YouTube' to 'youtubeskip' in the URL of any video.

2: You can press 1,2,3 etc to jump 10%,20%,30% into the clip you are watching on YouTube.

3: If your phone freezes,plug it into a charger. This will free it up again.

4: For whiter teeth....Gently rub the inside of a banana peel around your teeth for two minutes, the minerals will absorb to your teeth and whiten them.

5: At party? tell people that you're not drinking. Everyone will suddenly offer you a free drink.

6: Drop a battery from 6 inches off the ground, if they give one small bounce and then fall over,they're good. If they bounce a couple of times,they are dead or on their way out.

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