Monday, March 23, 2015

Interesting Facts..!!

Honey bees know the world is round and can even calculate angles.

The idea of contact lenses was first introduced by Leonardo da Vinci in 1508.

Dining with an overweight person causes you to eat more.

Humans have a strong relationship with music because of the way that music affects our feelings, our thinking, and our emotional state.

For women, drinking 1-3 cups of coffee a day reduces their risk of cardiovascular disease by 24%.

Chocolate milk was invented in Jamaica.

Pluto never made a full revolution around the sun while it was still considered as a planet.

The 2011 Japanese earthquake slowed the rotation of the earth, and shifted it axis by 6.5 inches.

75% of everything in the universe is hydrogen.

An estimated 50-80% of all life on Earth is found in the ocean.

When you lose weight, it is fat that's turned into gas inside the body, and released through regular breathing.

Banana trees are not really trees; they are giant herbs.

Canada has the third largest oil reserves of any country in the world after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

90% of musicians report getting chills when listening to music.

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