Thursday, December 04, 2014

Interesting Informations..!!

People participate in Black Friday due to a misconception that there is a scarcity of items and deals.

There are natural painkillers in your saliva, which is why you put your finger in your mouth when it gets a cut.

In Athens, Greece, a driver's license can be taken away by law if the driver is deemed either unbathed or poorly dressed.

The peak relationship breakup times are two weeks before Christmas and the beginning of March.

Interrupted sleep is just as bad as a night without sleep.

The world is more likely to end before your Macbook is estimated to corrode.

Vin Diesel’s Facebook page has more likes than any other actor, and he runs it entirely on his own.

Japan has a network of roads that play music as you drive over them at the correct speed.

"Groaking" is act of watching people eat food hoping they'll offer you some.

Before trees were common the earth had giant mushrooms.

Google has found GPA's and test scores to be "worthless as a criteria for hiring"; they have teams where 14% of their employees haven't gone to college.

There are no 24 hours in a day. It has 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, the time it takes to earth to rotate on its axis.

Scientists want to turn unused TV frequencies into a nation-wide WiFi network while the government wants to sell it to the highest bidder.

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