1. Overmorrow : the day after tomorrow.
2. Petrichor : the way it smells outside after rain.
3. Aglet : the plastic coating on a shoelace.
4. Vocable : the na na nas and la la las in song lyrics that don’t have any meaning.
5. Borborygmi : when your stomach (or bowel) makes noise
6. Vagitus : the cry of a newborn baby.
7. Glabella : the space between your eyebrows.
8. Natiform : something that resembles a butt.
9. Phosphenes : the lights you see when you close your eyes and press your hands to them.
10. Nurdle : a tiny dab of toothpaste.
11. Box tent : the table in the middle of a pizza box.
12. Cornicione : the outer part of the crust on a pizza.
13. Tittle : the dot over an “i” or a “j.”
14. Barm : the foam on a beer.
15. Ferrule : the metal part at the end of a pencil.
16. Punt : the bottom of a wine bottle.
17. Keeper : the loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after it has passed through the buckle.
18. Minimus : your little toe or finger.
19. Zarf : the cardboard sleeve on a coffee cup.
20. Lemniscate : the infinity symbol.
21. Griffonage : unreadable handwriting.
22. Paresthesia : that “pins and needles” feeling.
23. Defenestrate : to throw out a window.
24. Philtrum : the groove located just below the nose and above the middle of the lips.
25. Crapulence : that sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much.
26. Octothorpe : the pound (#) button on a telephone.